Chapter 15: Shorty and Yoda

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Jihyo's POV

"How many times do I have to tell you not to fake your sickness?" I said in my flinty tone as I look at the most stubborn student in front of me.

He just looked down with his arms crossed over his chest, and obviously refraining his lips to form a smile. "But I'm really sick. I got a fever." He managed to answer but my ears did not miss the faint chuckle as he bit his lower lip.

"Put your hands up, Felix." I sternly commanded.

"W-Why?" He asked, shifting his gaze to the side. He shudders and still trying his best not to laugh.

"Just put your hands up," I repeated and glared at him.

"Alright." He said in defeat and put his hands up in the air like a criminal who got caught red-handed. I shake my head as two cloves of garlic fell on the floor.

"Really? Don't you have a new trick to show?"

He scratched his head and smiled nonchalantly, "Hehe. Sorry, noona. I just want to see you."

This scheme is not new to me. Two out of 20 students who come here every day is telling the truth. Most of them are impostors faking their injuries and illness. Among those students, Felix is the most persistent one. He comes here thrice a week pretending he has a fever, cold, stomach ache, headache, toothache; any words that can be associated with ache. He even told me once that he suffered heartache because I always shoo him away. This kid is really something.

"Go to your classroom now," I ordered him as I sat on my swivel chair.

"But noona, it's lunch break now."

"Then go to the cafeteria and eat with your friends."

He just pouted. He was just about to walk out the door when I stopped him. "Wait," He immediately turned around and beamed his sweetest smile. "Yes?"

"Pick up those garlic cloves before you leave," I said as I point my index finger to the floor.

He bent down and picked it up then another student came in.

"Noona! Please help!" The newcomer is grunting in pain with an exaggerated facial expression. "I sprained my ankle." He limps as he walks towards me.

"Oh, is that so?" I stood up as I play along with his stunts.

"Y-yes, I was playing basketball with my friends when it happened." He explained.

I pulled out the drawer on my table to get my stainless ruler. There's a reason why I keep a ruler here. "Let me take a look at it," I said as I walk in his direction.

He sat down on the couch and removed his left shoe. "I-It really hurts, noona." He said with a sour face. Such a great actor.

I knelt down then hit his ankle with the ruler. "AAHHH!" He grunted in pain for real this time.

"You! I'm not dumb to fall for this silly trick of yours! If you're going to act injured, make it more realistic, Woojin!" I hit him on his arm as well. "You wouldn't make it here alone if you sprained your ankle."

He immediately stood up and picked up his shoe then hid behind Felix who's laughing so hard.

"Come here! Let's make it real!" I shouted as I swing the stainless ruler in the air. These kids are really annoying.

"Sorry, noona. You're cute when you're angry."

"Yes, we could not resist such a Godly beauty." Felix agreed.

"You're giving me a headache." I could only sigh as I massage my temple. I give up. These two have been sent to detention countless times but still doing the same thing. They are not actually bad students; they are doing good academically, they are just as stubborn as a mule.

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