I am pregnant

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The ride home from the cafe felt like it took hours. Her mind was going everywhere. From what Darren is going to think of her now, to what she's gonna name the baby. Not to mention the fact that she hasn't even taken a test yet.

She decided to make a pit stop at the pharmacy to get a pregnancy test. She walked into the store and made her way to what she believed was where the tests were. When she made her way to the correct isle she came face to face with Mia. The look on Olivia's face was pure shock.

"Olivia!" Mia said shocked. "What are you doing here, I thought for sure you'd be with Darren right now" 

"Hey Mia" Olivia said less enthusiastically. "I- I uh I was out with Lauren for a minute and then had to come pick up a- uh some medicine Darren's got a bit of a cold."

Mia picked up on Olivia's uncertiness but didn't know if it was her place to comfort her or not. She thought about just going on with her day and forgetting about it, but then she realized that she promised Darren to still be his friend, which meant helping out when needed. She took a look around and noticed what aisle she was in. And unless Olivia was still embarrassed about her period, being in this aisle and hiding something could only mean one thing.

"Oh shit  Liv" Mia said putting her basket on the ground to walk over to Olivia. "A-are you-"

Olivia interrupted her "I-I don't know yet. I'm sorry I need to get home." She finished and refused to give Mia a hug. 

She grabbed 3 different brands of pregnancy tests then went to the cashier. She payed for her stuff then practically ran to her car. She got in and put her bags on the passenger seat before she broke down. All of the emotions she kept pent up the past few days came flooding out. She hit the steering wheel with her hands and yelled. Just yelled.


"Hey I'm home" Olivia said as she walked in the door. She put the bag with the test on the floor and walked into the living room where she knew Darren was going to be. 

"Hey" Darren smiled then put his arms out for a hug. "Come here" 

Olivia sat on Darren's lap and put her arms around his neck, while he put his on her waist. They stayed in that embrace for quite a while, both just enjoying the feeling of being with each other.

"So you wanted to talk?" Olivia said pulling away, but still staying in his lap feeling that feeling of needing to be close. 

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. What I said was hurtful. I don't know why you do always want to be touching me now especially when you used to hate touching all the time, but I shouldn't have brought it up that way. I made it sound like I hated it, but hell no, I love it" Darren finished. 

"It's okay, b-but I think there might be a reason why I am being so clingy." Olivia finished looking over to the door where the test are. 

Darren sat Olivia down on the couch ang got up to see what Olivia was looking at. When he got to the door her saw a bag. Confused, he bent down and opened the bag. He looked inside and saw the test. He dropped the bag to the grown and ran over to Olivia. He picked her up and hugged her as tight as possible. 

"Are you really" he said into her hair. 

"I don't know yet I haven't taken the tests. I want you there with me" Olivia said worriedly. 

"Okay well let's go find out" Darren said taking Olivia's hand is his. 

They made there way to the bathroom and Olivia looked at their hands the whole time. She was so confused. Confused as to why Darren was completely furious with her. 

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