The Questioning

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Olivia and Chord drove the entire way to their house in silence. Neither knowing what to say. Deep down Chord knew that Olivia still loved Darren more than him. He knew that whatever happened she enjoyed. But he didn't want to admit it. He wanted to live the rest of his life in denial, thinking that Olivia only loved him. 

Olivia felt bad more than anything. She just left the love of her life because she was too scared to face the truth. She hated her self in this moment. She hated that she was hurting both of the people he loved most in the world. Suddenly, she felt sick.

"Chord pull over I think I'm gonna puke" Olivia said. 

Chord quickly pulled over and Olivia opened the door and puked and puked and puked some more. Once she was done she wiped her mouth and shut the door. She gave Chord a small nod not trusting her voice. The rest of the drive home was silent. 


Once they pulled into the driveway she immediately got out of the car and ran into the bathroom and puked again. This time Chord ran after her and held her hair up and rubbed small circles into her back while whispering comforting words into her ear. This was odd for Olivia. She never threw up. Not even if she was very sick. She just never did. Once she was finally done she flushed the toilet and sat back against the bathtub.

"Babe what's wrong, why are you puking so much" Chord asked worriedly.

"I don't know. Just feeling sick" Olivia said still not looking Chord in the eye.

"Baby, talk to me what's wrong" Chord pushed. 

"Chord I-" Olivia stopped mid sentence. This was her moment right now to tell the truth and live the rest of her life with her true love. "I must have eaten something old" 

She tried. She really did, but the words wouldn't come. She felt like a coward. If anything she felt guilty. No one else was to blame. Everything that happened happened on her watch and her choices. In her defense she did want this, she just didn't want to deal with the aftermath. Even thought she made up her mind at Darren's house about what she wanted, she found herself questioning again. 

"Baby we need to talk of that is something you feel up to" Chord said sweetly. Damn his charm.

"What's there to talk about" Olivia said blankly.

"Liv, you know I love you and trust you, but when I walk in on your wrapped up in a bed with your ex fiancé, who may or may not be naked, its very hard to." Chord said calmly. 

"Chord" Olivia couldn't find words.

"Liv just please tell me. Did you guys have sex?" Chord asked suddenly finding the wood on the floor interesting.

"Y-yes" Olivia finally said. She felt like this weight was lifted off of her shoulders.

Chord sighed heavily. He knew it of course. He just hated hearing it out loud. There was still one more question to prove him right. As much as he didn't want to know, he needed to.

"D-did you enjoy it" He asked regretting it immediately. 

"C-hord" Olivia said with a shaky, quiet voice.

"I-I'm gonna go out for a bit" He said sadly as he grabbed his coat and left the house.

Olivia dropped her head into her hands and sniffed away a sob. She shouldn't cry, this was a good thing, she told the truth. Well in some sense. She felt like something was still missing though. She needed something else. She needed Darren, but that might not be the best option for the moment. 

She sat up and got her phone out of her pocket and Dialed up her best friend Lauren.

"Hey babes what's up" Lauren picked up.

"Hey, can you come over" Olivia said sadly. Lauren could pick up on her sadness immediately.

"Does this have to do with the video I saw last night"

She sighed "yes"

"I'll be right over."


"And so when you walked out Chord just punched Darren" Lauren said shocked 

"Yea...and then I left with Chord" She said still looking down. 

"Shit...I mean was it good" Lauren joked not knowing what to do about her friends predicament. "You know the sex"

"Yes Lo it was amazing that's my problem. He was amazing. He made me feel special again. Like I was the most beautiful person in the world. Chord never makes me feel like that...Lo I'm just so scared about what happens now"  Olivia said finally making eye contact with the short brunette.

"Oh Liv, baby you just gotta follow your heart. I know its cheesy, but it's true. Look, do you remember when Joey and I broke up the first time. It was terrible, I was a mess for weeks. I found someone else to help me get over joey. I used said person and when the time came that Joey came back, I had to break it off. I felt terrible of course, but it was so worth it because now I have the best fiancé I could ask for. Liv, I saw the video. I saw how sincere he was. I know he loves you and I know you love him." Lauren said honestly.

"I don't know how to tell him. He was heart broken when I said we had sex" Olivia whined.

"Just rip the band-aid off. I'm going to go and you're going to make him come back here so you can get your shit straightened out, and if worst comes to worst you can stay at our place for the time being." 

"I love you so much" Olivia said giving Lauren a hug. She returned the words then walked out of the house leaving Olivia to fix her life.

"Can we at least have sex one more time... you're so fucking good" Mia joked as Darren helped her pack her bags. Mia had an apartment a couple miles from Darren's house and suggested she moved out. Daren was hesitant at first claiming he didn't want to be lonely, but Mia assured him that Olivia would be back in no time. She would be crazy not to.

Darren laughed has he folded his favorite shirt of hers before his smile fell. "I'm really gonna miss you" 

"It's not like I'm moving to a different state, legit gonna be 20 minutes away" Mia laughed.

"No. I'm serious. It means so much to me that you still support me after all the shit I've put you through" He said moving over to her side of the bed and grabbing her hands. "No matter what happens you will always be my best friend." 

"You're making it really hard on me to leave you like this" she gave a sad smile. "Can I ask for one thing though" 

"Of course" Darren replied.

"Treat her right this time. She is an amazing woman and deserves so much. Just don't fuck it up this time. And whatever you do. Don't call me up for a booty call when your drunk one night because I don't know if I'll be able to contain myself." She smirked.

After another hour they were finally done packing her stuff and they were stood at the front door hugging each other. Neither wanting to let go.

"Mia. Don't wait for me. I don't want you waiting for me to mess up again. I want you to go out and find love, because I know you can. You are one hell of a woman and I believe in you. And if I do end up messing up the best part of my life again, don't come back to me. Well in the romantic sense. I will definitely need you in my life as a friend. I will always love you. Thank you again." Darren said releasing Mia from the hug giving her one last kiss goodbye.

Mia didn't say anything. She couldn't without letting out a sob. She nodded and walked away. She hoped Darren was right. She hopped she was good enough to meet someone and fall in love like he did with Olivia. She deserved it right. Of course she did. She's Mia fuckin Swier.

{I am so very sorry I haven't updated in so long. School and all that jazz. Big thank you to @newssies for giving me inspiration to write again. I hope you all like it. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me for more Darren stories and one shots.

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