The Second Proposal

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Darren got down on one knee and pulled a ring out of his front pocket. It wasn't just any ring, no. It was the same ring that Olivia wore when they were engaged. Olivia looked at him in awe as he said his next words. 

"Olivia I've done this once before and I fucked it up afterwards. I promise you this time that I will NOT mess it up. Liv you are one of a kind. You are such an amazing woman and I am so very lucky that you have let me into your heart. I promise I will never leave. I promise to never make you feel the way I did ever again because you are too good for that. I look into your eyes Olivia, and I forget everything around me. I forget everything except the beautiful woman standing in front of me. Liv when I look at you I see a lot. I see our first meeting. I remember leaving that curb after you did and telling myself that you were going to be in my life for a long time. To this day I still believe the same thing. Only this time I want you as my Wife. You deserve the very best Liv, someone who will back you up without limits, let you grow with out boarders, and love you without end. Will you let me be the one?" Darren finished with tears threating to spill.

Olivia smiled and wiped away her tears. The words Darren said would no doubt stick with her forever. "Yes, yeah" 

Darren's smile took up his whole face as he jumped up and engulfed Olivia in a hug. She wrapped her legs around Darren's waist and just breathed in his sent. The sent she had missed so much. She would have trouble sleeping at night because she didn't have him next to her. The only thing she had was the faint smell of him. But now she had him forever. 

"Wait wait. you kept the ring" Olivia said as Darren put her down and put the ring on her ring finger.

"Okay if I say something do you promise not to laugh at me" Darren asked with a faint blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Of course Dare"

"Well ever since that night I always kept the ring in my front pocket. No matter what I was doing. I think it was just my way of keeping you close even though I didn't have you." Darren admitted looking down at the floor.

"Darren I think its sweet." She told him trying to make him less embarrassed. "Here follow me"

She grabbed his hand and brought him to her room and closed the door behind them. She sat Darren on the bed and told him to close his eyes. She went into her closet and stepped on a stool to reach the top cabinet. She pulled down a fairly large box and brought it back to the bed and pulled of Darren's blindfold.

"What's in the box" Darren asked confused. 

"Open it" She smiled.

When he opened it he saw at least 7 of his jackets, and what seemed like every note he had ever written her. 

"Livvy you kept all of these" He asked in disbelief.

"Of course I did. I kind of of read those notes every night or else I couldn't fall asleep. It was a reminder of you and what we had. And your hoddies always smelt like you. Well they did. I think I wore them so much that the smell came out so I just put them in there with the rest" She finished embarrassed. 

"I love you so much" Darren blurted out.

"I love you too" Olivia said giving him a chaste kiss. "I can't believe I get to marry you."

Darren smirked before pulling Olivia into his lap and gave her a passionate kiss. "How much longer until dickwad gets back" 

"Won't be back until tomorrow night" Olivia smirked knowing where Darren's mind is. 

A/N do you all like want smut... cuz I'll write it but I don't want people to be uncomfortable. But seriously lmk if you want it


They both lie in Olivia's bed holing each other close. Neither saying anything just taking in the fact that they have each other again. That fact alone made them happy. Just being able to call the other "baby" and "boyfriend/girlfriend" again was enough to put a smile on their faces.

"So what now" Olivia said breaking the silence. 

"Well now we get up, get dressed, and pack all of your stuff up so you can move in with me. The once you get moved in we tell our family and close friends. We can figure out what to do with the fans later. Then we get married and have the best honeymoon ever and do a lot more of what we just did. Then we can make cute little babies and live happily ever after." Darren said as he walked his fingers down the side of Olivia's arm.

"You really want to have a baby with me" Olivia said in a cute baby voice.

"Of course. Just imagine what our baby would look like babe. It would have your beautiful blond hair, then your beautiful eyes, your amazing smile, your perfect personality, basically it will be perfect because it will have your genes." Darren smiled widely as he imagined being a dad.

"Or. it would have your golden eyes, and your  amazingly handsome smile, your  incredible talent, and I really hope it has your mop of curls." She smirked messing up his hair even more than she already had.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are." Darren said staring into her eyes.

"Maybe once or twice" Olivia smiled and leaned in to plant a light kiss on his lips. "Common I want to pack so I can move into my new home" 

Hearing Olivia call his home her home did something to him. That sentence made it all feel 10% more real. As if it wasn't real before. He realised this is a new beginning for the both of them. But it didn't feel like it. It didn't feel right to him to start his new beginning in the same how he was with another woman in.

"Wait" He said pulling Olivia back into the bed. "I want this to be a fresh start for the both of us. I want us to buy a house. Together. For you me and our future family."                                 

"Of course. But I still want to get out of this house so can I stay with you until we can get a new house." Olivia 

"On one condition" Darren said trying not to smile too big.

"And what would that be Mr. Criss" She said seductively thinking she knows where his mind is.

"You get your ass out of bed and start packing so we can get on with out new life." Darren laughed as Olivia threw a pillow at him. "What! what did you think I was gonna say" 

"Well i thought you wanted a round 2 but I guess not." She faked a frown.

"Oh trust me Livvy, there will many many more round 2's" He said with a wink as he got up and walked into the bathroom to start packing up Olivia's things.


"Okay let's get out of here." Olivia said putting the last bag in the trunk of Darren's car. She really didn't have many things since this was Chords house in the first place. 

"Do you want to say goodbye or anything. I mean this was a bug part of your life." Darren said rubbing her back while leaning against the car looking at her old house.

"Nope. All this house reminds of how I didn't have you. I don't ever want to be here again." Olivia said before she walked up the to door and slipped her only key into the house after she locked it.

"Okay, let's go." Darren said grabbing her hand and opening the door for her. 

"New beginning" Olivia thought as Darren closed her door.

"New beginning" Darren thought as walked over to the drivers side of the car.

A/N sorry did not have time to proof read this but I wanted to get a chapter out because i've been a bad author 





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