The talk

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As soon as Lauren left her house, Olivia called Chord and asked him to come home. Him being the gentlemen he is assured her he would be home in less than an hour. 

Olivia thought about what Lauren said. She thought about it long and hard. She remembered how hard it was for her to break up with her boyfriend at the time, but she also remembered how much happier she became when she finally had the one she loved. In all honestly, Joey is perfect for her and even thought they took a break, they found each other again and became Joey and Lauren again.

Olivia's biggest fear was that she wasn't what Darren wanted. She feared that Darren just said what he said to make her feel better. I mean she was crying the whole time. No matter how many people told her she did, she would always think that she didn't deserve Darren. Darren is an amazing guy who could really get anyone he wanted. The fact that he wanted Olivia in the first place blew her mind, but the fact that he still did was just unbelievable.

Her brain felt like it was split in half, one side told her Darren loved her and only her, while the other said he only loves Mia. Olivia and Mia never really had a good relationship. They never got the chance to. Before Olivia was engaged to Darren, Mia was halfway across the world. After he proposed, well everyone knows what happened after that. So to say she didn't think to highly about Mia, would be an understatement 

Anyways the half of her brain that told her that Darren was in love with her really told her a lot. She had never seen Darren as emotional in his entire life as he was last night. Darren told her he loved her. Well he actually said he never stopped loving her. Just the fact that he was self harming while she was gone tore her apart. She never wanted anyone to go through that.

She also knew that what Darren did to ruin their engagement was a mistake. She saw how desperate he was for her to forgive him. She didn't know it would be so easy to forgive someone who broke her so much, but weirdly enough it was. To her it all felt like it was years ago. She was a different person now and she believed he was too.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening then closing again. Chord walked in and to say he looked a mess would be putting it nicely. His face was beat red and his eyes were swollen like he'd been crying for the past 3 hours. Well he probably was. but anyways her heart broke at the sight. She found herself wanting to just forget everything she had planned and run to comfort Chord and tell him she would never leave his side.

But she knew she couldn't. She knew that doing that would only hurt both of them more. Pretending to love someone she didn't would be the worst thing she could do. 

She looked down at the ring on her finger and closed her eyes taking a deep breath. I can do this. 

"Hey" Chord said as he walked into the living and taking a seat on the opposite side of the couch to Olivia.

"Hi" She said quietly. "So I wanted to talk to you" 

Chord nodded, knowing where this was going. 

"I just want you to know firstly how amazing you are and that I know your going to do good things in life and whoever gets to be by your side during those wonderful moments is going to be so lucky, because Chord you really are an amazing guy but..." She trailed off not quite knowing what words to use.

"But that person isn't going to be you" Chord finished for her nodding his head understanding. 

"Chord please just listen to me" She waited for him to answer but he never did so she continued. "Gosh this is much harder than I thought it would be. I'm just gonna say it Chord. I'm still in love with Darren. I- I think I always have been, but being apart from him made it hard to act on that love. But- but being with him yesterday, and talking about what happened. I- I it made me realized how much I do still very much love him." she finished with tears in her eyes.

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