Chapter 30

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Needless to say, I aced my first semester law exams, Nick and I haven't spoken for a month, Brad has practically moved in with me, Jess can't tie her own shoes anymore so Collin has to do it, Mom and Dr. Patterson are more in love than ever, Dylan and Elaina don't even know what the definition of sleep is anymore and Jane and Aiden are apparently not on speaking terms, but they're still engaged so there is hope. 

"So what exactly happened? I thought you two were fine?" I frown as I look at Jane's unimpressed face.

"Remember when I phoned you and Brad to come and help me with Aiden when we went to that house party and we took him to the hospital?" I nod. I remember that party like it was yesterday, I am still so in love with that white dress.

"Yeah? Why?" I sip my latte.

"It turned out he smoked weed and mixed alcohol in there with it that's why he did that." Jane is infuriated by him and I'm more shocked that anything else.

"What? Really?" My eyes widen.

"Yes, I literally want to strangle him." 

"But, how are you only finding out now? That was months ago? And he said he was drugged didn't he?" I shrug.

"Yeah, he told me the same thing and the other day I was cleaning our apartment and I found the blood test results paper hidden in one of his books. I literally slapped him across the face and here I am." She looks down at her engagement ring and then back up at me.

"That is so hectic. That doesn't sound like Aiden though? Surely they must have picked it up when he did the urine test before football games and practices?" I sip the last bit of my latte.

"I have no idea how he got away with it. It just makes me angry when he does stuff like this. I mean non of us are bad influences over him but some of the guys on the team make it a bit difficult I think." She shrugs and she throws her cup away.

"Yeah it must be difficult." I follow her outside of Starbucks, "Don't give up on him though, you two belong together and maybe he's just struggling a bit." I give her a hug and we make our way to the field for cheer practice. We don't see each other as often anymore since I've changed degrees and she's also busting her ass at her studies, so we decided it will be easier to grab coffee and walk to the field to catch up before practices and it works for us. As we reach the changing rooms we greet all the girls and we get dressed.

"So how are things between you and Brad?" She questions.

"It's good. I think Australia is a big possibility for Christmas, and it's nice because he said I must just give him the dates and his uncle will book our flights and we must just go. Its quite exciting hey.

"Wow, that is quite exciting. Why his uncle though?" She frowns.

"No idea, he doesn't really talk about his uncle, but he said they are all excited to meet me." I zip my skirt up and as I sit down to put my Nikes on Kim walks in and everyone quietens down. She greets everyone and only gives me a curt smile. Noodle. Everyone continues with what they are doing and Jane looks at me.

"And Nick?" She asks and my face drops.

"Well after our attempt to fix our friendship on the plane and at brunch he-." 

"What the hell are you talking about." Kim snaps at me and the entire room falls silent. I turn around and she's standing right in my personal space. Oh. Hell. No. Her face is bloodshot red and it's actually quite difficult to take her seriously because Brad ruined it for me. It's like a noodle with a bit of tomato sauce on, the tomato sauce being her red face of course. Still nothing has been said and all I picture in my head is noodles and tomato sauce. Dammit, Olivia, focus your attention back on the situation, I remind myself.

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