Chapter 13

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I have to admit, I am quite proud of myself. I could have broken down and I could have given into Nick Rhodes yet again but I will not let him break me this time. I've made my mistakes and I've drank way more than I should all just to try get over him. But nonetheless I'm glad I didn't give in. I deserve so much better and he should know that he lost the best thing that ever happened to him. I'm glad he is alive and I do feel bad about nana Rhodes but I don't think it's smart to even try and sort things out when I am so frustrated and angry with him it will literally get us nowhere and honestly him leaving was the best thing he could ever have done for me. My friendships are strong and my family is closer than ever so I couldn't be more happy.

"Olivia." I snap out of my gaze and I see the blue eyes staring at me.

"Sorry." I mutter and Brad gives me a small nod.

"What are you thinking about?" He takes a sip of his coffee and I can see he is completely hungover. He woke me up with breakfast in bed to thank me for taking care of him and it was really a sweet gesture. I know he still had so many questions and part me wishes he won't remember last night.

"It's nothing." I say. I give him a small smile and he narrows his eyes at me.

"Again I'm so so so-."

"Stop apologizing Brad. This is probably the hundredth apology in the last hour. You are allowed to have a fun night out and given the fact that you study Law I don't even blame you. So relax and just be glad that you didn't throw up on me because then I'd probably be in prison for burying your ass." I laugh a little as I say the last part and his face goes a bit red.

"Okay." He gives me one of his trademark smirks and we continue drinking coffee.

"How much of last night do you remember?" I curiously ask him and he looks down avoiding eye contact.

"Nick." He says and avoids eye contact the best he can. I look at him and I just smile.

"Honestly yes he was here but I told him I don't want to see him. It's just all to much you know." I shrug and he continues drinking his coffee.

"All I remember was that I when I was lying on the ground and I heard him speak I was already counting the amount of people who would be at my funeral." He laughs and I join in.

"Don't worry. I'd go all Jackie Chan on his ass if he touched you." I reply smugly and he smirks again.

"I heard you cry though." He looks down again.

"Yeah I tend to that when I get really mad. Like really really mad and it honestly infuriates me even more because it makes me sound weak I'm not weak anymore."

"Yeah you are strong. I'm sure most women would have just fallen right back into his arms."

"Yeah but he did too much damage." I say and in that moment we stand in silence only to be interrupted by my phone ringing.

"It's Aiden." I tell Brad as I answer it.


"Hey Olivia listen. I am so so so sorry about last night. Jane and I feel so horrible-." His throat is all groggy and rough.

"Oh please not you guys too. Brad over here has apologized like a billion times. It's really fine. I'm just sorry I didn't tell her the whole truth about how we met." I sigh.

"No she understands and to be honest I didn't really have the balls to tell her but I'm glad it's in the open now." He stops speaking for a second "Anyways Jane wants to know if you and Brad want to go for lunch or something?" I can hear Jane mumble something in the background but I can't make out what she's saying.

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