Chapter 6

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"Liv do you want some coffee?" My moms head pops up around the corner of the open door, I look up at her from my laptop and I just smile.

"Yes please. I need it, this assignment is going to keep me up all night." I smile at her and then I look back at my laptop, I hate this assignment. I wonder what will be happening to my Technical drawings lectures now that Jessie is gone. I ignore the thought and I just continue with my assignment. Stormi is lying next to me and she just looks so peaceful, this dog only sleeps and that's it, oh how I wish I had her life sometimes! As I continue typing my mom walks in with a cup of coffee.

"Liv we really need to talk." She says and I look up to her and I put my laptop down.

"What's up mom." I say and she sits next to me on my bed.

"Aiden told me what happened ... and I need to make 100% sure that you're okay because you've been through this once and I just want to make sure you're okay."

"Mom I'm okay. Really I am. Like you said I've been through this once and I can handle it, I haven't been making the best choices yes, but I've learnt my lesson." I say and she just smiles at me.

"I'm glad you're handling this well. The week you've been here has been amazing and I miss you so much when you're at Princeton. I also want to ask you something else." She looks at me intently.

"Yeah?" I wonder what this could be now.

"I was wondering if you'd want to study at UCLA and then you're close to home?" She asks and I just blankly look at her. I haven't even thought about that, I did get acceptance into UCLA but I didn't think much of it because Princeton has always been my number one choice.

"Um." Is all I manage to say and she just shrugs.

"It's really up to you."

"Yeah I know mom, let me just try and finish my first semester at Princeton and then I'll let you know, but if I do study at UCLA I want to live close to the university and in my own apartment, I kind of love the personal space and then Stormi can come live with me." I say and as I mention her name she pops her head up and looks at me and her tail starts wagging.

"I think that sounds like a wonderful idea." She gracefully says petting Stormi and then kisses my forehead.

"Mom?" I ask.


"Have you heard anything from Nick?" I say and she looks down.

"Actually I haven't. I am worried about him, but maybe he really needs his space." She says.

"Well I did phone him and a chick answered his phone and when I put down he said he can explain and what not." I look at my mom and then back at my phone.

"He's going to come back to you Olivia you know he will, he always does, but that doesn't mean you must forgive him. What he did was wrong but I'm pretty sure he has a really good explanation."

"I guess we'll have to see. Atleast he's alive that's all I care about." I smile and she just nods.

"Okay, I'm gonna go make some lunch, your brother and Elaina are almost done with their classes."

"Yeah mom, how are they doing? I'm struggling a bit to reconnect with them but we're getting there." She has a small smirk on her face.

"Your brother is doing really well actually, he just still can't stand the blood situation but he's getting there." She laughs and I join in. Typical Dylan, wants to be a doctor but can't stand the smell of blood.

"He'll adapt though." She continues laughing.

"Okay finish you're assignment I'll call you when lunch is ready, then I need to go back to work." She gets up and walks away. I focus back on my assignment and then my phone rings.

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