Chapter 26

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Needless to say. I am officially over studying but I have one more subject to go and then I'm finally done. Seven weeks of this and I am mentally exhausted. If it wasn't for the peacefulness of the lake I would probably have gone mental. Nick and I have completely stopped talking and Brad has apologized probably a million times about our awkward date night and I obviously have forgiven him. Everyone was very glad I postponed Australia and I do have to admit I'm also glad I did, I don't think my friendship with Brad is there yet but we have the whole year to become good friends. On a romantic basis I am glad to say that we both discussed it again and we assured each other there are no feelings there which makes it a lot easier for both of us. I need to be 100% sure I'm over Nick before I can move on and to be honest I don't think it's going to happen as quickly as I want it to but him dating Kim and us not talking anymore is making it easier for me on a certain level. I miss him but I know I need this. When Dylan said switching my emotions off isn't healthy I thought about it and I agree but I can still act like that in front of Nick and Kim but everyone else knows now that Brad and I are just using this as a distraction and it is no longer about making Nick jealous and although Elaina and Jane had some strong opinions about it we just agreed to just leave the topic. Brad and I are good with this arrangement and that's all that matters.

"Hey Elaina. I need you to please make sure you include the strings for the baby bump game in the box of things that need to go to the venue. I'll be sure I make it in time. Oh and please make sure the restaurant manager knows that there'll be about 10 of us. Jess's friends from South Africa cancelled because they couldn't get off of work." I tick off the announcements off of my list of things to do with the baby shower.

"You should be paying me for this you know." She retorts and I know she's rolling her eyes.

"Yeah not happening." I sarcastically reply and she laughs a little.

"So I have everything in the boxes, can you please just come home a day earlier so that we can go set everything up? I really don't want to feel rushed you know?" Elaina says.

"Yeah I'm here for one more week until I'm done with contract law and I'll be back." I smile.

"You're still busy with that subject?" She laughs and I sigh.

"It's just so difficult okay." I moan.

"Yeah I wouldn't know." She laughs.

"How's the hospital hours working out for you?"

"I don't even know what sleep feels like anymore." She says in between yawns.

"And Dylan?" I ask.

"Well he's currently leaning on the wall with his eyes closed and he's about to snore so I assume he's also tired." She sounds distracted.

"Tap him on the shoulder and make him fall." I smile and she laughs.

"He'll kill me." She retorts.

"Yeah okay. Thanks so much for helping me with this. Where's Aiden and Jane by the way? They haven't answered their phones for a week now?" I frown.

"Collin said something about a trip to Canada or something."

"Oh yeah I forgot about that." I sigh. Must be nice to have holidays and not worry about university.

"Yeah and how's the boy toy?" She yawns again.

"Brad's fine you know. We don't talk much because he's busy and so am I." I stare at the lake. It really is such a sunny day.

"Still isn't telling you what all his meetings and stuff are about?"

"Nope." I state and she sighs.

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