Chapter 20

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"About damn time." I groan as I unlock my door to my apartment.

"You've been so quiet." Brad says as he carries my bags inside and he drops them next to my bed while I boil the kettle.

"I'm fine." I shrug and he walks closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist, picks me up and places me on the counter and I just stare at him in his tight blue T-shirt and jeans. He gentle brushes his lips against mine and his vanilla scent immediately reaches my nose as he deepens our kiss. I place my arms around his neck as he leeches onto mine and my breathing increases.

"Brad." I manage to say and he just continues sucking on my neck and his hands brush on my thighs and I freeze.

"Brad Stop!" I say pushing him away and he looks at me with a shocked expression on his face.

"I'm so sorry." He says sincerely and his face reddens up.

"It's not your fault. Sorry." I look down and he walks forward again and pulls my chin up to meet his blue eyes.

"Why don't you like it when people touch your thighs?" He says softly staring deep into my eyes and I can see his worried.

"I've just-." I try to find the words and I can feel my heart starts to race and a cold sweat runs down my back, "I was attacked twice and I wasn't raped but stuff did happen you know." I say taking a deep breath in and he's eyes widen even more and mine become a bit glossy.

"Olivia. I'm so sorry." He says softly as he places a strand of hair behind my ear. I look at his boyish face and his face softens as he gives me a soft kiss on my forehead and he makes coffee.

"I guess I should get over it eventually you know. Since I've basically switched my emotions off I guess I can just turn it off to those too." I jump off the counter and I hand him the milk.

"I don't think that's how it works." He says handing me my mug of deliciousness and I just roll my eyes.

"We should get studying. Semester exams are next week." I walk to my desk and I take the chair out and he makes his way to the couch. I spin on my chair to face him.

"Yeah. So I was thinking, maybe you shouldn't come to the lake house. I really need the peace and quiet to study and I want to do well in this degree you know and I need to be alone to do that. And then if I do finish everything in time then Australia sounds good." I take a sip of my coffee and I watch as he curves the corners of his mouth into a smile.

"Sure. We can video call if you need help." He offers me a small smile and takes a sip of his coffee.

"I should get going." He places the mug back in the sink and he kisses me and leaves to the door.

"Wait." I say and he stops and turns to face me.

"Come here quickly." I motion him towards my desk and I stand up as he comes closer. I place my hands on his shoulders pulling him down to me and I leach onto his neck kissing him and his breathing increases as he places his hands around my waist. His vanilla scent is all I can smell in his neck and I love it.

"Liv." He breaths loudly and I'm still working on my hickey masterpiece. He places me on my desk and I haven't moved my mouth and his breathing escalated as he runs his hand up my shirt to my bra but before he can unclip it I pull away from his neck and I push him away.

"Payback sucks." I wink at him and he looks stunned and quite annoyed.

"That's not nice." He rolls his eyes and he comes closer to me and makes his way in between my legs staring into my eyes.

"Thought you had to go?" I reply softly and he comes down to my lips and crashes his on mine again, I immediately allow him entrance to my mouth and we're in sync again and things start heating up. He picks me up and my legs wrap around his waist as he carries me to my bed and he gently places me on it and he hovers over my body as his cold hands goes up my shirt to my bra clip and he actually manages to unclip it.

"Told you I can do it." He flings my bra out in one swift movement and he looks really impressed this time around.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and I pull his lips onto mine and we kiss again while he tugs my shirt up and takes it off. I take his off and my hands go from his chest to his abs and I wrap my arms around his back and just as he kisses my neck again we get interrupted by his phone.

"Dammit." He mumbles getting off of me and taking his phone out of his pocket and he immediately gets off the bed and he looks angry.

"Hi." He groans while he watches me as I put my bra and shirt back on. I look at his beautiful bare chest and I really want this whole thing to just continue.

"Yeah I'm back. I'll be there just now." He puts the phone back in his back pocket, grabs his shirt from the floor and he looks really irritated.

"I have to go." He kisses my forehead and he walks out still putting his shirt on not even waiting for me to say anything and I just sit on my bed waiting for the door to slam. Bye bye hotness I think to myself. I tie my hair up in a bun and then my phone rings and it's a video call with Elaina, Jess and Jane.

"Hey girls." I answer and I try to fix my appearance.

"Why are you so out of breath Liv?" Jane smirks and I look down.

"I assume you and Brad just did the dirty." Elaina says huskily and the three of them laugh a bit.

"No man." I groan and I look down to fix my bra strap. If only I think to myself.

"That huge hickey says something else Liv." Jess says sarcastically and they all burst out laughing again. Needless to say, I'm officially as red as a tomato.

"We haven't. We just keep getting interrupted." I roll my eyes and I have to admit it is super frustrating to be interrupted the whole time.

"Okay well enough about my embarrassing moment, what's up?" I say and the three of them finally calm down.

"Ladies only trip after your and Janes semester exams?" Elaina says and I look at the three girls and they are all staring at me intently.

"Sure. Why not." I shrug and they all have huge smiles on their face.

"But what about your practical stuff Elaina?" I give her a warm smile and she just rolls her eyes.

"Girl I'll be fine, don't worry about me." She smirks a little.

"Jess it's up to you. Where do you want to go?" I give her a sincere smile and she looks down at her belly and then back up at the screen.

"Maybe like a spa weekend. I can really use the TLC you know." She speaks softly and she looks exhausted.

"Definitely." Jane says.

"Okay perfect." We all agree to the date and we make the final arrangements.

"Dylan not now." Elaina says and we can hear Dylan walking in, in just his jockey and he waves into the camera, "Ladies." He says with a smirk.

"Dylan." I shriek and I close my eyes and I can hear everyone laughing.

"Whatever." He mumbles and I open my eyes and he's off my screen.

"You got him spider man jocks?" Jane raises an eyebrow and we all burst out laughing.

"He likes it okay and besides I like it to." She winks and everyone busts out laughing.

"That my cue. I'm excited for the ladies only trip but I'm going to study now. Love you guys. Oh and Jane I need help with the technical drawings so can we meet up just before the exam?"

"Yes." She nods and we all say our goodbyes and I hang up and put my phone on the bed next to me. My apartment is so quiet. I look around for a second and then my stomach rumbles. I never ate on the plane because I cannot stand the food. I decided to order sushi and when it got delivered I sat at my desk with my food on the one side and my books on the other. Exams here we come.

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