Chapter 6~ "Quirks are Permitted"

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I don't have anything in particular I want to say except I am writing on my computer so the format might be a little different this chapter.


Izuku's Point of View:

The sounds of pencils scratching against the desk filled the lecture hall. The lilac beside me looked puzzled at a certain question on the paper, but I didn't really think it would be the "end of the world" for him. Looking back down at my paper, I look at the following questions. I bring my pencil down and fill in the correct answers.

Do you remember me trying to hack into the U.A security system firewall for the upcoming test answers?

Well, its safe to say that was a success, but I wondered if anyone noticed I hacked into the firewalls and got all of the answers. I flipped the page, looking at the next set of questions, filling them out from memory. The topics they chose for the test were expected, The History of Quirks, Science and anatomy, and for the most part normal subjects that were studied around this time.

Looking at the clock, it was safe to say I had around, an hour left. I was okay though, by the looks of it I was nearing the last page.

A few minutes pass, nearing the last question I watch as a few other students quietly get up from their seats to hand in their papers. I didn't want to stand out to the teachers for having a perfect score, being the star of general studies would have its downsides.

Another minute passes, looking through my paper to see if I had messed up, I started to stand up. Quietly pushing my chair out of the way I make my way down the lecture hall, passing the rows of students.

A pile sat in the front of the room, next to a sleeping Eraserhead, whom, from the looks of it was in a yellow sleeping bag. I set the test on the pile and turned around. I wanted to be as inconspicuous as possible, not gaining any form of attention from any student around me.

I heard a faint tussle as I turned my back from the Caterpillar, but I kept walking towards the back of the hall where the doors were. It felt as if I was the mouse tiptoeing away from the cat but from the looks of it, the cat took a blind eye towards me.

As I pushed the doors of the hall open with a fragile force, I sighed. My heart was beating out of my chest. Did he know who I was? He couldn't have known it was me...right? I shook my head at the inner turmoil.

I forced myself to look at the surroundings, taking in all the information I needed. I saw a sitting area with a few students waiting for the physical part of the exam. I walked over there and sat down at a empty couch. The whole place was silent, the only sounds were the slight "pitter patter" of the footsteps in the halls surrounding here.


The ending bell has rung, signaling the end of exams. By now, the waiting area was crowded. Some people had to stand since all of the couches and love seats were taken. The lilac from before sat beside me and looked as if he was confident with what he had done before. A faint pattern of footsteps were heard. I raised my head towards the direction. Eraserhead was there, and he held a clipboard.

"It's time for the physical portion of your exam, it will just be an obstacle course. Quirks are permitted to be used." He spoke with a thread of malice in his voice. "Follow me" He turned sharply and started to walk away, motioning the others to follow suit.

This was a short chapter...
it's okay though :D
I have a lot of projects I'm working on (not just on wattpad) so sorry for the spaced out chapters! The next chapter will focus on the physical exam!

Have a good day!
-The author

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