Chapter 2~How to Dodge a Bullet

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Heyo! Sorry for the wait and/or the grammar issues! Here is chapter 2!


Izuku's/3rd person POV:

The ground felt cold as he landed on the concrete. He looked up at the building ahead of him and smiled under his mask. My first patrol... He stood up and started to run to the first building in front of him and started to climb up the emergency latter on the side of the building. The run from his home to here wasn't that far since it was only like a block away. He ran up what seemed like endless flights of emergency stairs to the top of the building.
He stood there taking in the view of the bustling city below him and the faint sounds of civilians and car horns. He could see groups of people laughing and talking with no care in the world. It made him wish he was that oblivious to the world around him...

     But he wasn't.

     The breeze lightly hit his back while he stared down at the streets below. A painful cry was heard in the distance. It wasn't loud enough for the people in the streets to hear. But he heard it. He heard someone. Or something?

A faint cry of pain...

Someone was in pain, suffering.
     Estrangement straightened his back and looked towards where the sound had came from. Estrangement felt his body jump from building to building, the cries louder as he approached an old sketchy building. He loomed over the alleyway which had a door that a man was trying to get someone through. She looked like she was holding him back a bit but he looked as if he had a hunger in his eyes. Estrangement shuttered.
    The woman's cries were persistent "Please...Please stop-". Estrangement prepared himself as he jumped onto the alleged attacker's shoulders and pushed him to the ground. The man let out a yelp in suprise as he tries to get loose of Estrangement's hold. He keeps struggling until he starts to get dizzy. The man turned his head to see the attacker and he could see the burning hatred that bloomed in Estrangement's glowing green eyes as Estrangement knocked him out. It wasn't as difficult for Estrangement as what the tv shows and documentaries showed on battles but then again this man seemed tipsy. Estrangement took 3 zip ties out of his jacket. As he was sitting by the unconscious man he started to tie 2 to the man's feet and one zip tie to hold his hands together.
    Then he heard a timid voice tremble "" Estrangement moved his head to the right to see the woman on the ground visibly shaking.
Ohmygod-I almost forgot about her.
     Estrangement nodded at her and spoke, "Hey, your safe okay? This guy will be put into jail soon okay? I'll drop him off." His voice sounded raspy since the voice moderator was working.


    The vigilante turned his head as he was picking up the unconscious man.

    "What's your name?"

    "...Estrangement" The vigilante smirked under his mask as he held onto the man and jumped to the roof of the building. He then looked at his hands. 
How did I do that?

(I'm sorry that was really poorly written)
     Estrangement is now on the roof of the building next to the police station-he is holding a sticky note in his left hand and a black sharpie in the other.
I just noticed this fella'  harassing a girl-
So I did the obviously right thing and brought him here!

     The vigilante stuck the sticky-note on the still unconscious man's forehead and threw him over his shoulder. He then proceeded to tight-rope over a broken pipe to the police station's roof. Once there, he grabbed a rope and tied it to the man, slowly lowering him to the ground below. Once the man was on the ground and safely placed in the view of the receptionist, he bolted.
Detective Tsukaushi's POV:
(I forgot how to spell his name)

     I press down my pen to the papers and start writing. The frequent crimes and new villains were making his head hurt. A faint buzz was heard and I looked at my office phone.
    "Hello? Detective? There seems to be a man outside who-from I can see has a sticky note on his head? Could you come here and check this out? Thanks."
     ...wait what? I roll my eyes and get up from my leather chair. Walking by my coat stand I grab a jacket and head out of my office door.
     I walk down the main hall to the reception desk. She points to infront of her and I see a man trying to squirm out of the zip ties which restricted his movement. Confused, I hurry outside to greet him.
     A sticky note was now on the ground. It looked as if it fell off of him while he was trying to get up. I bend down to pick it up when I noticed a certain name at the bottom of the note.
     I sigh and look towards the man. I knew there would be more work for me if there was a new vigilante. And, I was positive this was a new one.
Estrangement's POV/3rd person:

     While the detective was with the man who assaulted the girl, Estrangement was out and about, stopping harassment, r*pe, and other things that were happening. Then, as he was walking in an ally he saw a man who tried to force a kid into a van so he made the decision to try to capture him. He guessed his quirk was (what Estrangement guessed) was some-sorta' backlash quirk because, when Estrangement tried to grab and break the man's arm, his own felt as if it snapped in half. Luckily though, he was able to blind the man with a flash bomb before quickly grabbing the kid and running away.
     He looked over to see a woman searching for something or someone. Estrangement turned around to the kid who was on his back, "Is that your mother?" The boy slowly nodded and Estrangement set the boy down. The boy ran to the mom crying and Estrangement smiled.
     Even if he wasn't able to get the man he still saved a child, he didn't want to break any other limbs before the end of the night. So he decided to go rest for the night...then he climbed the fire escape ladder to the top of a building. He could now see the sun rising. He then realized it was dawn. He sighed as he took out his phone, it read:


Estrangement smiled. He saved a lot of people tonight, and he was glad.
I just realized there were a lot of inconsistencies in this chapter which I will edit soon, but thank you for reading this chapter! Also I rewrote the first part then just didn't for the rest so if there were places that didn't line up with that, yeah I don't know what to say.
💕Also-I will update this every weekend💕


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