Dad was then trying to calm me down as I ran around the apartment, of course, he failed because he was laughing. I ran out from the hall in full excitement the third time, but this time, I tripped over a ledge we have that has the kitchen and living room on a small platform. I got back up and laughed with Dad who was laughing so hard his face wen red. I went back to the kitchen, where I was probably giving Dad a headache from all the questions I was asking.
"What did she say? Where are you taking her? Oh! Oh! If you stay here you guys could have a movie marathon! — but seriously! — What are you going to do? Ooh! Take her on a walk at night!" I exclaimed.
Dad was chuckling. "She said yes; I don't know; and a walk?"
"Yeah! Like you and I did on your week off, but go to the park. Not so sure an outlet food truck is romantic, but what do I know?" I say. Dad laughed as he shook his head. "Oh my goodness! Call her! Tell her to meet you this Friday!"
Dad chuckled with a big smile on his face. It was the happiest I've ever seen him besides seeing my uncle drunk on Christmas Eve. His smile made me smile because he was happy, and it was all from Dalia.

Then the worst thing possible happened next: his smile turned to a frown.
"What's wrong?" I ask. Dad's brown eyes look up at me. It was my turn to frown, but I felt disappointed rather than sad. I wasn't disappointed in Dad, but his clingy buddy that appeared when Dad became angry. The Other Guy. And Dalia has no idea that something like him exists. I look to Dad to see his hands covering his eyes.
"Have you ever hinted about him to Dalia?" I ask. Hands still covering his eyes, Dad shakes his head. "Maybe we should tell her — "
In seconds Dad looks and sounds frighten as he grabs my arm to get my attention. "NO! — No! Kerry, please you can't!"
"Let go of me!" I cried, tugging at my arm. Dad looked at me, utterly confused. Once he sees his hand on my arm, squeezing and pinching my skin, he lets go.

I get a flashback of when we were back at the lab, and that Dad grabbed my arms when he morphed in to the monster.
"I'm sorry..." he whispers, looking at his hands as if they were replaced with knives.
I didn't want to say it, which made me feel guilty, but I said, "It's fine."
"NO IT'S NOT!" He cried, hitting his fists on the kitchen counter. I jumped back against the sofa, listening in fright with the glasses and utensils on the counter clinking and jumping in the air. Dad clenched his fists and leaned over the table, his eyes shut tight. Slowly, I walked back over to him, and laid my hand on his shoulder. Dad's brown hair was almost covering his tired brown eyes. If Mom knew about this I was thinking if what she would do in a situation like this. Except she was not here, and I have no clue what she would do.

"Dad," I spoke quietly, "we need Dalia to help, she's your coworker, she knows what you're working in and for. She can be a great help." It took Dad almost a minute, but he nodded.
"Alright," I say as I moved away from the counter to the door. If we need Dalia, she should know right now. "You're ok here?" Dad didn't say anything, he just nodded. "Ok." I opened the door and walked out into the hall down a few doors from mine. I reached Dalia's and knocked. Here was my chance to discuss something else as well.
The beautiful brown haired, adorable Dalia opened the door and smiled with the prettiest set of white teeth.
"Hey, Kerry!" She greets.
"What did you do to my Dad?" I giggle nervously.
"What do you mean what did I do?" She asks, giggling.
"He's smiling and laughing! Tell me what happened, no gross details." I joke.

Dalia smiles and laughs, "I don't know what I did!"
"Well you did something!" I laugh.
Dalia finally gives in and says, "I guess I did, it's nice to know the kiss was good." I freeze and shake my head, hoping I heard that correctly.
"Wait. . . You kissed him?" I ask.
"Yeah." Dalia smiles and nervously laughs as she covers her mouth seeing my reaction.
"Oh my God! I think his last kiss was during the Jurassic Era!" I cried. Dalia's cheeks turn pink from all the laughing.
That was a good thing, I got her feeling easy so I could tell her why I was really here.
"Okay, now for my real question." I brush my hair to the side as Dalia looks up at me again, recovering from the laughing. "Can I ask you something kind of personal?"
"Sure," She said, face softening after seeing my face.

"Dad and I need your help," I tell her, "he didn't want to tell you and I told him that I could ask for him. I know what I'm asking for is pretty big and you may not think so right now, but it's important to Dad and I." I pause, wanting to say this right without Dalia thinking otherwise of the problem. "Dad has this problem. A very big problem and I'm helping him out on this too, but he's really in need of help — it's actually related to what he was working on right now! It'd mean a lot to the both of us if you'd help." I explain. I don't think Dalia even thought about it, because the next thing I know she said yes.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Kerry, I like your Dad, very, very much. I'll do anything to help." Dalia said.
"Ok, great, uh...does tomorrow night work?" I asked.
Dalia nodded.
"Ok," I said, "thank you Dalia so much, he'll really need your support."
"No problem." she said with a smile. I turned around to leave, but then quickly stopped.
"Dalia," I said, she turned around looking at me.
"What goes down tomorrow, promise me you'll still like my Dad."
Dalia looked at me. "What do you mean by that?" She asked.
"'ll see." I replied before making my way back to my apartment.


( I gotta change this pic and edit this more but I'll do it later :))

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