22. Confession time

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"So, I'm leaving everything to you two. Don't blow up the Casino during my absent."

Jules smiles when she says those words to Tristan and Thirteen.

Tristan says, "No worries. Just catch Jude and drags him up to the Altar."

He has strong conviction they are perfectly match. Not easy to find someone who could attract Jude's attention. Many pretty women have failed in the past.

Jules' servant picks up her luggages. She leaves after giving his friends good hug. She's lucky to have them. They give her love and support unconditionally. They are like brothers sent by Heaven.

She yawns when she sits down on her seat. The train moves slowly, leaving the station behind.

She looks bored when she stares out of a window. She is a rich woman. She could live easily on her own.

No. I don't want to spend my whole life alone anymore. I want Jude by my side forever. My life won't be complete without him.

She has to pass a certain village to reach Jude's countryside manor. It's surprising because his home is actually few miles north of her old village.

Against common sense, she has decided to visit her old village out of curiosity.

This is the reason she is standing in front of her old home. It looks dilapidated as if no one has been living in it for years.

"What happened here?" asks her.

A passerby, and old woman heard her.

She replies, "Unlucky folks. I heard they owed a lot of money to a loan shark. They got evicted from their home. Probably worked to death somewhere..."

Jules sighs. That must be her Aunt's fault. She loved to show off in the neighborhood. She must have borrowed a lot of money. She thought she would pay them back after selling poor Juliet to a prostitution house.

She makes a note in her heart to contact her lawyer in London. She would try to buy this house from the loan shark. This is her family home. Built using her parents blood and tears. She can't let strangers owned it.

She returns to her carriage and leaves the village behind. Never look back again.

The old Lady tilts her head a little. That handsome man seems a bit familiar. She shrugs her shoulders. He looks like a wealthy fellow from his clothes. A humble woman like her doesn't know someone like him.

Jules tightens her grips. She feels nervous. Jude is very stubborn person. As his friend, she has suffered his stubbornness too many times in the past.

Once they have to endure a blizzard together in one winter. Because Jude has promised to attend a winter opening ceremony in a nobleman's home. Tristan, Jude and her suffered cold for weeks afterwards.

A servant lets her into the mansion. She has been here with Tristan few times in the last few years. All the old servants know she is Jude's friend.

She enters the study but Jude isn't there.

Strange. The butler said he would be here.

She looks around.

Sturdy mahogany table. Old fashioned style, probably dated from Jude's father era.

All the books in the shelves are about estate management. She notices a chess board on a table. She examines it.

Jude must be bored to death here. He played against himself. She moves a white rook to eat black knight piece. Jude always plays the black pieces. He said white is the evil country. Because white is the conquer.

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