Clexa x You [complete]

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Lexa's POV

Hi, my name is lexa woods, you might already know, I'm Captain of the soccer team I'm very popular at school along with my girlfriend, Clarke who's captain of the cheer team.

The soccer team consists of Bellamy Blake, Raven Reyes, Octavia Blake, John Murphy, Lincoln woods, Anya woods, echo, Derek Lynn, Luke Wheeler and I.

The cheer team consists of Clarke, Marie Lynn, Scarlett Rain, Maxine grace, Alex Lynn, and a few others.

We're considered the bad asses of the school, everyone's scared of us or too intimidated by us, All about one.

Her name is Y/n Wheeler, Luke's twin, she's our ex, we all dated, Clarke, Y/n and I, she left us without a reason, we've slowly been trying to get her back but she's been avoiding us, her and her two best friends.

We stop walking once we spot Max rain, Y/n's best friend. He's a good kid, quiet and has dirty blonde hair, very short, a little shorter then Y/n

We walk up to him and he freezes, "U-uh hi.." he stutters, backing up til he hits the lockers.

"Hey, we're not gonna hurt you we just want to know where Y/n is" Clarke says gentle trying to calm the poor boy down..

"I'm sorry but I'm not answering that," Max says as He turns to his locker and opens it.

"and why not?" I question getting a little frustrated and curious.

"Alex and I told her we'll keep you two and your friends away from her," Max says and pauses as he takes his books out of his locker, "That's that we plan to do,"

"H-Hey, you ready to go?" we hear a weak raspy voice ask, we look over where we heard the voice to find our little brunette with red and puffy eyes, fiddling with her fingers.

"Yeah, are you okay?" Max says as he picks up his hand and closes his locker.

"Y/n, wait please." Clarke begs, stepping closer.

Y/n looks around and backs up, shaking her head, "I.." she gets cut off by Alex's voice.

"Clarke, Lexa!" She runs up to us, "Leave her the hell alone! She doesn't want to be bothered by you, God!" she says as she secretly slips a note into my hand before walking to Y/N and walk out of the school with max following them.

I pull Clarke aside and open the note..

"You wanna talk? Meet me at my house at 7

Love from Y/n"

We smile before we run out of the school and head home til we head over to Y/n's.

We stop at Y/n's house and get out of the truck, we grab hands and walk to the front door we look at each other concerned before knocking.

We hear a faint, "Come in" and we walk in to find our little brunette on the couch once again, In tears.

She sees us and immediately puts her arms up, she did this when we were together it meant she needed or wanted to be held, I rush over and put her on my lap and sit down, Clarke rushes over and sits next to me putting her hand on Y/n's back.

"Babygirl, what's going on?" Clarke says with worry and fear written all over her face and laced into her voice.

Alex comes down the stairs with notes and Y/n's phone in her hands and put them on the table infront of us, we look up at her confused.

"what's this?" I ask looking at alex before looking at the objects infront of us.

"The reason Y/n broke up with you two." Alex explains and we immediately grab one of the objects, I grab her phone that shows text messages from her and costia, how did that bitch get our baby girls number?! and clarke gets the notes that must've been in slipped her locker or been thrown at her.

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