Annie (AOT) Modern AU: cheater.

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~ You and Annie started dating on the last year of high school, you loved her but she always only in it as a dare her friends did, the dare was to date you for 4 years and dump you.

They all hated you for some reason, Annie agreed since her lovely boyfriend Eren gave her the pathetic dare.

Once they found out, you were pregnant and what your past was like, they didn't hate you anymore...~

Annie's pov

"Miksasa, you've been quiet all day." I point out, staring at the quiet raven haired girl.

"What's going on?" Sasha asks, concerned.

"Its Y/n, shes pregnant with Annie's kid and last night, before I found out I saw all the scars on her body." Mika says, all of us are taken back and I'm left speechless.

"How come you never noticed those scars Annie? You can't fucking miss them." Mika says angrily.

"We only had sex when I was crazy drunk." I explain.

"I told her..." Mika says then we all jump up and look at her in disbelief.

I was gonna say something but there was a knock on the door, I walk to the door to reveal a Red puffy eyed Y/n with 2 men and 1 women behind her, she doesnt say anything just push right in.

"Alright sis, go pack your things. Luke and I will talk to these bitches, Lily go help her." One of the male says, Lily and Y/n nods and goes upstairs.

"gonna explain to me why you used my sister as a fucking toy?" Luke says rather calmly but can clearly tell his pissed off.

"It was a joke, after finding out shes pregnant I'm having second thoughts and what does she have scars on her body?"

"Why would we tell you more about her?" Derek asks angrily.

"Just tell them, get it over with." Y/n says coming down the stairs, taking off the necklace I gave her, I step forward a bit in shock.

"We had abusive parents, they beat Y/n more often. We got separated at a young age. Y/n never found a good home. She was rather beaten, raped or neglected." Luke explains, im confused. She is the happy bubbly girl, how can someone like her be like this? We hated her because we thought her love was perfect and never experienced real pain.

"Y/n I-" I was cut off by Y/n spinning around and bitterly chuckling. "Miksasa told me everything, Why you hated me and all of this was a dare. All the friendships and our relationship." She hands me the necklace. "And I still can't bring myself to hate none of you, before you judge someone. Get to know them first, they aren't always as they seem." She says as tears streams down her face but she still kept a small warm smile.

"Thanks for the good times, even if they weren't real to you." She says to all of us then grabs her suitcase and walks out the door with her siblings after her.

All of us were pretty much in tears, feeling so bad and guilty that we had to do something like that to her.

Never judge someone without getting to know them, you don't know how many things that person hides or what happens bebind closed doors.

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