Marie Cobblepot-Nygma

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Dedicated to MarieGroot
whom I named the girl character Marie Cobblepot-Nygma after!

From the time she could write, Marie was scribbling doodle hearts and love notes. She had a bright smile and a gigantic heart of gold.
She loved with every fiber of her soul.

Which made her teen years a heartbreak.

It started with Josh Crane, who told her he didn't want to be in love.

Then there was Evan Jones, someone who wasn't a villans kid, but acted like a crazy person.

She gave her heart to people who didn't care about her. She didn't know any better. It was in her blood to love that strongly. Her heart was so sensitive, and she fell hard ever time.

But why wouldn't she?

She was Oswalds daughter after all...

She had his heart and Valerie's beauty. She was attractive and tempting, but only to those who wanted a fling or a one night stand.

She learned that boys  were only looking for one thing only.


It was only true gentleman who would want her heart. Who wouldn't break her.

She was a little beauty.


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