Log 6

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The room that she were in, was so utterly profound to Colette only cause she has never been in this situation before. She honestly was a normal girl who was trying her hardest to be a doctor, but right now it appeared that wasn't the case. The people here treated her like something else entirely. To them did they see her as a criminal, or so she thought.

Though she was treated as a criminal, these people saw her as special due to her connection with 049. Their so called friendship was so bizarre to these people, that they were trying to figure it out. Just what was going on in this place? Hopefully they would tell her, but there was that chance that they wouldn't say anything to her. They knew that they had power over her, and that was probably why she was so terrified right now.

"Tell us, what is your connection with 049?" asked the man who couldn't be seen at all thanks to the tinted black glass.

Colette looked at the glass wall as she tried to think of the right words to say. "I guess we are friends? I don't really know or understand it either?"

In the end she spoke up in pure honesty on the matter, even she didn't know what their relationship was all that well. All that she did know was that it was definitely similar to that of a friendship. A normal friendship that one would get from their best friend.

Silently after she had said this, did she hear the mumbling of two people talking right behind the dark colored glass. There was more than one person behind that glass wall now, and that was probably why she felt even more uncomfortable and scared.

It really was like she was being judged right now, and she didn't even know what would be decided on her fate.

"Dr. Collins has told us about 049 and his connection with you. He even spoke of the entity making a distraction to see you? Care to elaborate?" asked the same man from before. There was another gentleman who was speaking behind him, but Colette couldn't make it out entirely all that well.

Entity?, asked Colette's puzzled mind now at the moment that she had heard that word. So 049 wasn't a human? So then what was he?

Colette looked at the glass wall of dark colors as she decided again to speak honestly to these gentleman. And like before she expressed genuine feelings and thoughts about it. She didn't even know how he escaped his cell, and killed those guards either. "I honestly don't know how 049 got out or how he killed those people? All that I know was that I was kept away from him for a while?"

"Are you suggesting that if he wasn't kept away from you, he wouldn't of escaped to just see you and killed our men?"

The man's reply was quick and in a matter of fact tone. It was like he figured out her intentions, even though she had none to begin with.

"N-no I mean I don't know!" panicked Colette softly as she looked at the glass wall. "I didn't tell him to do that! I would never ask anyone to kill someone else!"

"I see?" replied the man who had asked the question before. His words then trailed off to the other man who was in the same room as him. Though it wasn't directed at her, Colette could hear his words as clear as day. "Bring 049 in here!"

His voice made her eyes go wide, and much to her surprise. She was actually kind of happy. Perhaps she felt that way, cause then she wouldn't have to be alone anymore.

However the sound of a new but familiar voice caught everyone's attention, including Colette.

Dr. Cade's voice was so loud that it sounded like she was in the same room as them. She probably was. "What do you mean bring 049 in there with her!?! Are you actually crazy!?!"

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