Log 5

186 9 3

Colette was silently staring at the cell door that the guard had closed, after taking 049 away. In all honesty, she was utterly speechless to what had just happened, and yet she was actually happy. If that made any sense.

No one told her anything that apparently happened, and the only one who told her anything was 049. Plus he actually came to see her by escaping his cell, which was something that floored her. Just how did he get out?
What kind of distraction did he cause?
All of this was mind boggling to her.

Just what is he?, asked Colette to herself now as she stood there and stared at the door in silence.

Would she find the answers if she was to read the journal that he has made for her? Or would she be left with even more questions?

She just didn't know, for her mind couldn't fathom anything that had happened just now. But all that she could literally do now, was read that journal. Due to it being the only thing that she had to fully understand anything that was going on. So that was what she was going to do. Anything was better than nothing.

Slowly but surely...

Colette looked behind herself toward her bed, where she had hid the journal that he had made her. Softly did she turn around and approach her bed now, while her heart raced within her chest.

Just what kind of information was inside the journal? What would be the first thing that she was going to read within it?
The only way that she was to find out, was to read it right now.

Colette shifted herself to sit down onto her bed, as she reached her hand toward the pillow. Which hid the journal from view, but she blinked in surprise to a voice. A voice that she was quick to recognize.

"Colette!?! Are you alright!?!" the voice which held concern on the other side of the door belonged to Dr. Cade.

"Huh! Oh yes I am okay!" replied Colette now with wide eyes.

Colette looked at the door as it opened now, and sure enough did she watch Dr. Cade walk inside. The look on the doctors face, showed great concern and fear as she moved closer to Colette. "Oh thank god! When they told me that 049 was in here! I honestly feared for your safety!"

"R-really...?" blinked Colette in great surprise. Dr. Cade looked to be pale in the face right now, which scared Colette a bit.

"Yes! 049 was very agitated! Unlike anything that we have seen!" exclaimed Dr. Cade as she looked Colette over. "He didn't touch you did he!?!"

"No...?" replied Colette softly. She went silent as Dr. Cade let out a huge sigh of relief with her eyes closed.

"I am glad that you are okay!" smiled Dr. Cade now as she looked at Colette.

"Yeah I am fine!" smiled Colette some before blinking a few times as she said. "If you are that worried then why didn't you come see me?"

"I'm so sorry! I would of but I was told not to." replied Dr. Cade as she looked to her side. "We had a few things to discuss so..."

"Oh like a meeting?" asked Colette curiously.

"Yeah." replied Dr. Cade with a small smile. "It was rather important."

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