Log 2

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As Colette slowly returns to her cell with the guards escorting her there, she couldn't help but remember what had happened just mere moments ago. The fact that she could be so happy, that someone so eccentric actually showed great displeasure to her being mistreated. That happiness that she felt just wouldn't go away either, and yet she knew nothing about that 'dangerous' doctor, and was told not to speak with him. Everything was just so confusing right now, and that confusion seems to outgrow her happiness, the more she thought about that man.

Just why was he so dangerous?, just that question alone made her all the more concerned. There was clearly something going on right now, and the fact that she was left in the dark scared her more.

She really wanted to get out of there, and was determined to do so while taking her mother with her. Colette was not going to stay in a place where it was supposedly dangerous. Her happiness all at once changed, for she was now feeling motivated. The quicker she obeys Dr. Cade, then the quicker it will be for both her and her mother to get out of this place. Sadly all that she could do now though was wait for her blood work results to come back.

Closing her eyes in silence, she began to think about that illness again. She honestly was praying that her and her mother were clear of it. But what would she do if it did come back?, that alone was a terrifying thought.

Opening her eyes immediately to the sound of the guards voice, she looked at him a little startled. His voice was rather harsh, and it dawned on her that she did speak to the doctor when she was told not to. "Didn't we tell you not to speak to him!"

"I know! I'm sorry!", she quickly apologized while looking down submissively. Her eyes were closed as her hair fell around her face. "I was just worried that something was going to happen!"

Colette cautiously looked up at the guard who was silently looking at her, as his hands were firmly holding the firearm. The silence seemed to continue which made her feel uncomfortable, she slowly looked back at the other guard who was silent as well. Her eyes were quick to look forward as the guard in front of her spoke. "Just make sure it doesn't happen again!"

With those curt words did the guard begin walking again, and of course she followed him obediently. The sounds of their footsteps were so profound upon the tiled flooring that they walked on. Colette knew that they were getting closer to her cell, and she was ready to take a nap after what had happened today.

Her ears were then quick to pick up on the words that the guard behind her was saying. "I don't know why that doctor is so keen on talking to her?"

His words made her look back at him lightly for she definitely was curious about it as well. She looked in front of her when the leading guard spoke up in his reply, "He probably wants to use her. Pfft, strange bastard."

The two guards continued their small conversation with her there, as she was listening to them silently. She really wanted to say something about it, but she held back her tongue. Clearly the reason why she wasn't saying anything, was cause she probably wouldn't get an answer from them. They would most likely tell her to be quiet anyway.

Finally reaching her cell, one of the guards opened the door for her and she was quick to walk inside without a word spoken. As she looked back curiously at the door, did she watch the door close up behind her.

Heaving a sigh, Colette walked over to the bed and sat down on it with her eyes closed. She was very tired from everything that had happened today, which really wasn't much. Perhaps it was her thoughts and fears that drained her so? She honestly didn't know, so she was quick to get into bed and lay there while looking up at the ceiling in thought. Colette really wanted to get out of there, for she really was missing out on so much from school.

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