18 The argument

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People might think I'm overreacting but to me thats not overreacting it's just being cautious because Catelynn has had her fair share of toxic boyfriends and I won't let her have another, he is over protective which I am too but he doesn't give her enough time to speak or to explain which really pushes my buttons.
I've been known for my anger issues so before I know it I was punching him in the gut. he starts to wince in pain, while I'm trying to calm myself down.


"Uhhh, you deserved it!" He gives me a glare and I glare back at him, Catelynn is trying to break this fight up but then we just full on start to fist fight, at first I had the upper hand until he knocked the wind out of me. That however didn't stop me, we just kept punching each other. Tom and Harry finally managed to pry us off each other.

"Y/n, chill out!"

"FINE!" I say while storming off into the bathroom to wash off my face, Catelynn and Hannah follow.

"Y/n, I know your trying to protect me but please no more fighting." She says with a sad look on her face.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, and plus I'm pretty sure you one the fight." She says while we all start to laugh like idiots.


I haven't seen Y/n that mad since those guys at Starbucks, last time it was entertaining this time it was scary me and Harry walked Haz into our bathroom to wash him up because he had a bloody nose. We had to quickly get cleaned up because we still had to go to the airport.

         "Haz, c'mon, you need to go make up with y/n, you both need to apologize."

"Fine but, I'm still mad!"

"I know, I'll talk to her, c'mon let's go." I say and we all start to walk out.

Hannah POV

We were all in the bathroom laughing at the most stupid jokes, but it was fun, we were acting like teenagers again. Then I realized we had to be at the airport in 20 minutes.

"SHIT, guys we have to go to the AIRPORT!"

"Oh yeah, c'mon." Y/n says while we running into our room. I run out after her but then I notice Catelynn wasn't following, so I go back to the bathroom to see her staring at her phone in complete shock.

"What!?" I say in confusion.

"Look who just DM'd me!" She says while showing me her phone.

~during text~

Hey, I'm going to need your little friend Y/n to back off of Tom, he's MINE.

Um, your not the one dating him.

~off text~

I quickly screenshot the messages and I turn back to Catelynn.

"Who the hell is Nadia Parkes?"

"I don't know, let's show Y/n." She says as we run to her.

"Wow, slow down guys what's wrong?"

"Look." I say while giving Catelynn's phone to her.

"What the fuck!? I need to ask Tom, I have no clue who Nadia Parkes is, but looks like she has some beef with me." At this she runs off to the boys room.


I run into his room and they all jump off the bed.

"What's wrong?" Tom asks and I show him the message.

"Shit, Haz, Harry it's Nadia, she texted Catelynn threatening Y/n!"

"Well this trip to London is going to get interesting."

"Why would it be interesting?" I ask.

"Because... Nadia lives in London." We all stood there in silence for a moment before I told everyone it was time to leave for the airport, so we grabbed our stuff and headed down the hallway to the lobby.

I decided that in the way to the lobby I would apologize to o Haz, I overreacted a bit. I quietly and unnoticed I slip through everyone and I make my way to Haz.

"Hey, Haz, I'm sorry for earlier I overreacted...again." I whisper to him.

"I'm sorry too, I need to work on being too controlling, we could both improve."

"True that." After that our entire group is chatting up a storm, we make our way to the elevator and we go in and press the 1st floor button and we start to head down. I get really anxious because I'm scared that I will get trapped in the elevator, it's one of my worst fears. Cami notices this and rubs her face on my leg which calms me down. We get to the lobby and we check out. We go to the car and put our stuff in the back and we drive off.

In our way there the song "Umbrella" by Rihana comes on and we all look at Tom and he knows what's about to happen. We all start lip singing it and I pull up the YouTube video of him dancing to it, he immediately blushed and then we all start to laugh.

(Here is the video if you don't know what I'm talking about)

(It is freaking hilarious btw😂)

We finally arrive after an amazing 5 minutes of embarrassing Tom, and we walk in and we are already crowded by people, but one girl stands out, she is wearing a black hoodie and she is glaring at us, then the speaker comes on and call our plane so I look at her again and she is gone, I shake it off and we get into the plane.

(Omg, juicy, thanks for reading guys I love you all, remember to drop a comment if you liked this chapter, byeeee.)

(Word count, 955)

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