28 Explanations

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On our way back home I notice that the bruises on my neck were pretty severe so I ask the women who came to find me first, if she could drop me off at the hospital, of course she agrees and she started her way to the hospital. I decide to call Catelynn and tell her we should meet at the hospital.

"Y/n? Are you okay, when will you be home?"

"I'm actually going to the hospital, I got some pretty bad bruises and apparently while I was sleeping he would choke me with a rope until I was barely breathing, so yeah, meet me there."

"Oh my gosh, we'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Okay bye." I say and she hangs up.

"We're here, I'll meet you at the police station at 9:30 tomorrow morning for interrogation?"

"Of course, thank you." I say while getting out of the car."

"Nice job kid holding your own kid."

"Thanks!" I say while I wave goodbye and head into the waiting room.

A few minutes later a doctor comes out and calls my name.

"Mrs.Y/n Y/n/l?" She says and I stand up and walk towards her. She takes me to a room and sits me down.

"What happened?"

"Well...I was kept hostage and he hit me while I was passed out, I was able to pin him down and call the police."

"Oh my goodness!" She says while she rushes to grab something.


"You have a large gash on your neck! We'll need to stitch that up." She says while grabbing some numbing stuff and stitches. Oh shit, she has a needle, I HATE NEEDLES. She gave me the antibiotics and starting stitching up my wound, it didn't hurt but it felt weird.


Once we arrive at the hospital we basically run inside and we don't see
Y/n, we head for the front desk and ask where Y/n is.

"Excuse me? Do you have a
Y/n Y/n/l?"

"Yes, but you will have to wait to see her, she'll be out in about 30minutes too an hour."

"Okay, thank you ." I say while I walk over to the group.

"She'll be back in around an hour." They all nod and I start to pace around our little area while I mumble stuff to myself.

"Shit, shit, shit, what if she doesn't forgive me?" Everything bad runs through my mind and I start to pace even faster.

"I swear to God Tom, you're making ME anxious." Hannah says while rolling her eyes at me.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous."

"Yeah so are we, and you need to sit down." Harry says while patting the seat next to him, I walk over and sit down.

~45 minutes later~

We are all just sitting here impatiently, I was about to go up to the front desk again but then I hear a name called.

"Visitors for, Y/n Y/n/l?" She says and we all run over.

"Ah, your here, follow me." She says while gesturing towards the door a few feet ahead of us. She leads us there and opens the door and we can see Y/n sitting on the bed, squirming. We walk in and her face immediately brightens up.

"Y/n, we need to talk." I say as I walk closer to her. She waves goodbye to her doctor then nods.

"Alright, why the fuck were you kissing that girl in the alley?"

"She forcefully kissed me, I tried to stop but she was too strong, not to mention, she was really tall."


"Okay, my turn, what happened when Sam got you?"

"Okay, so while I was waiting outside for Harry to come out so I could scare him, I felt someone's arms around my neck, he kept them there until he almost-y'know, choked me to death, but he stopped and I blacked out, the next thing I know I'm in an abandoned warehouse. I found a way out and I tied him up once I got loose, I called the police and here I am, with some major bruises and a pretty big gash." She says while pointing to her neck.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay!?" I say desperately trying to calm myself down.

"I'm fine now." She says while holding her hands out for a hug.


While I put my hands out I gesture for my friends to join the hug as well.

"Make sure not to touch this side of my neck." I say while leaning my head on the side that hurts.

"Wait, So you guys were trying to scare the shit out of me, before Y/n got kidnapped?"

"Basically." We all said while the boys started laughing.

"And I'd would've worked!" Nadia says while we all break out into a laughing fit. I whisper into Nadia's ear. "We'll try again tonight." I say with a smirk, we just start to laugh even more. We break away from the hug as my doctor walks in.

"Mrs.Y/n, may I bandage this?" She says while pointing towards my stitches.

"Yes please." I say while she leans in and patches it up.

"Thank you so much." I say while I shake her hand.

"No problem, you are permitted to leave whenever you'd like."

"Alright, have a nice day!" I say while waving goodbye, again.

"Let's head out then?"

"Yup." Tom says while picking me up bridal style and running out of the room with me.

"Put me down you little shit!!!!"

"NOPE." He yells, we probably look crazy but I don't care.

"Hey, give us our friend back!!" Hannah yells while her and Catelynn are chasing after us. Tom puts me down and we sign out of the hospital. When we are far enough away from the group, Tom pulls me into a long but gentle kiss. He pulls away and starts to talk.

"I love you Y/n Y/n/l."

"And I love you, Tom Holland." He kisses me on the cheek and he grabs my hand in his and we get into the car.


I love you guys so much! I really hope we can get to 1k soon, have a great day!!!!


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