26 Gf's before Bf's

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Hannah POV

I hear Y/n's light sobs and I look back and see her falling, I run to try and get her before she hit the floor but I wasn't fast enough, she fell and you could hear her head thud on the ground from all the way across the isle.

"Oh my gosh!" Catelynn yells while her and Nadia run to me and Y/n. I know exactly why she passed out, it's because of how stressed and anxious she is, Tom, he is going to get a huge beating from all of us. This has happened before, but the one time we didn't bring Cami!

"Okay, guys stay calm let's just wake her up, it's happened before we don't need to call 911." I say while grabbing my water bottle and pouring some water on her face. I see her eyes slowly open.

"What happened?" Ah washed while looking around at all the people that had saw what happened.

"You passed out."

"Shit, I'm just stressed."

"That's what I thought, let's get you home."


We pay for our ice cream and we make our way home. I feel a bit better but my head feels awful, I just want to get an ice pack. When I walk I have a slight wobble, so Catelynn's helping me balance by holding onto my shoulder and arm.

~at the house~

We walk in through the door and Paddy immediately notices somethings wrong.

"What happened?"

"I...passed out." I whispered hoping they wouldn't hear, but they did.

"Are you okay?" Paddy asks with sadness overtaking his normally happy tone.

"Yeah, me, Hannah, Catelynn, and Nadia are just going to eat ice cream and watch movies upstairs. I say while we all make our way upstairs but then I realize I need an ice pack. I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen and I see Tom, a little tipsy. Tears form in my eyes and I push through him, I grab and icepack and I fast walk upstairs, hoping he wouldn't follow but he did.

"Y/n wait please, let me explain!" He yells up the stairs, Haz and Harry trying to keep him away from me.

"There's nothing to explain! You kissed another girl!" I manage to get out through my sobs, Catelynn and Hannah walk in front of me and Nadia comforts me while Catelynn and Hannah yell at Tom.

"Your lucky I haven't killed you yet Tom! So I suggest you leave!" Hannah yells making him back away.

"And one thing Tom, next time think be- oh wait you NEVER think!" Catelynn shouts as her and Hannah glare down at him and bone up to me and Nadia, we walk into the upstairs living room and turn in the Tv.

"Guys, we should have a girl talk, there is so much going on that I feel like we need one." Catelynn says with concern in her eyes. We all nod.

"Okay I know this is a girl talk but I have an idea that will cheer everyone up."

"What is it?"

"Spa night!" She whispers yells with loads of enthusiasm.

"I'm in!" I say while get up to grab the face-masks I brought. Everyone else agrees that we can talk while doing self care, that's a necessity after what just happened. Then relaxation hits me.

"Guys...I-I need to break up with Tom."

"We will be right here, do you want us to go get him?"

"Can you?"

"Of course, I'll be right back." Nadia says while walking downstairs to get Tom. I am nervous as hell, tears are threatening to spill out of my eyes but I hold them back, I just sit there with an emotionless expression plastered on my face for when Tom get up here.

"Y/n?" I look up to see Tom standing in the doorway, he tries walking forward but I stop him.


"No, Tom were done, now please leave me alone, I'm leaving for Atlanta on Saturday."

"Y/n, please let me explain."

"No, there's nothing to explain." I say while gesturing towards the door. But he doesn't leave.

"Can you not see what she's doing!?" He says while pointing at Nadia.

"She WANTED this, that's why she's here."

"TOM, she's my friend now leave!" I say while pointing at the door, more tears falling down my cheek. He reluctantly leaves tears in his eyes.

"Let's just finish spa night, I'm sick of guys."

"Same" they all say together.

"Maybe we should...PRANK HARRY!" I don't know why but it is so fun to prank Harry, he's the most gullible.

"I'll hide outside by the front door and you guys lead him outside and I'll scare the shit out of him. Okay let's take our places, I'll go get a flashlight. I'm glad I found something to keep my mind off of Tom, I still don't know why he would ever do that, I thought he loved me, I loved him.


I am an absolute IDIOT, I live Y/n and now she hates me because that fucking girl JUST HAD to kiss me by force! And I let her! I need to talk to her. I walk over too Nadia and ask her where Y/n is.

"Nadia, I know Y/n hates me but please I need to apologize, where is she?"

"The only reason I'm telling you is because she loves you, and it hurt her so much to break up with you, she's outside getting ready to scare Harry, and don't tell him."

"Thank you so much Nadia." I run outside hoping she wouldn't scare me but I don't see her, I get Nadia and we search all over the house and outside for her, but she's not there, what the hell is going on!?

"Catelynn, Hannah!" I yell hoping they can hear.

"What?!" They yell back.

"We can't find Y/n!"


Ooh what do you think happened to her? I don't really have anything to say but thanks for reading the next chapter should be out soon! Btw by Gf's I mean friends that are girls.

-Katie aka Carol

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