8 Bᴜsʏ, Bᴜsʏ, Bᴜsʏ

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*Ring, ring, ring*

My alarm is going off but I'm so tired because of last night. It's 4:30 in the morning and I have to go get Tom his tea. I also have to give him the list of things to do this week and what time to do them at. Then I have to go to school, then volleyball practice, then more work and homework.

Catelynn and Hannah are both awake too. They both have to do the exact same thing as me today.

"Morning guys!" I say.

"Morning Y/n" Catelynn says back.

"Today is going to be a long day" Says Hannah.

"Yea, I got to go get ready then go to work, see you guys at school!" I say.

"Yeah, bye!"

I just throw on some sweat pants and a hoodie. I throw my hair into a messy bun, and put some tennis shoes on.

(Here is your outfit)

(Here is your outfit)

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I drive over to Starbucks and grab Tom some tea and myself a Toffee Toasted Marshmallow Latte

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I drive over to Starbucks and grab Tom some tea and myself a Toffee Toasted Marshmallow Latte.

After picking up the drinks I head to Tom's. I have the key to Tom's hotel room because he most likely won't be up at 5:30 in the morning. I drop off his things and give him a note on what to do today.

To my surprise when I am about to leave, Tom comes out of his room.

"Hey Y/n"

"Oh Tom your actually up?" I says surprised.

"Yeah I was really thirsty so I came in to get a drink"

"Oh well I'm just headed to school, your stuff is on the table"

"Okay thank you, have a good day at school see ya later!" He says.

"Bye, and you too!"

(At school)

I walk into class and see Catelynn and Hannah. It makes me happy, because I was already super tired and grumpy.

"Welcome Y/n have a seat." The instructor says.

I sit down and get ready for class.


Now that home room was over I go to Biology with Hannah. Me and Hannah were walking down the hallway with Cami by your side when a guy that you recognized cane up to you.

"He Y/n!" He says.

"Oh hi, your Keaton from Math class right?"

"Yeah, um I was wondering if you could help me with Math because I need to get my grade up to be able to play in the football game next week" Keaton asks.

"Oh yeah, when?" I ask

"Um probably like, right after school?" He says.

"Hm, I could do it for 1 hour after school today"

"That will work, thanks!" Keaton says.

"Anytime!" I says and he walks away.

"Y/n isn't that a bit much? You already have a lot of things to do" Hannah tells me.

"I know but it will only be till his game next week"

"Okay but make sure you have Cami with you because it don't want you to get too stressed out"

"I know I will"

"Okay good, and do you want to come with me to the doctors tonight, because I'm getting a service dog for my Anger Managment" she asks me.

"Oh yeah what time?"

"Around 6:00pm"

"Okay I'll be home by then!"

"Okay thanks, Catelynns coming too"


(After school)

I go into the classroom Keaton told me to meet him in. When I enter the room, Keaton is sitting there with 4 other guys.

"Keaton I thought I was only tutoring you?"

"Oh I don't need you to tutor me!"

"What? Okay I have volleyball practice in an hour, what do you want?"

"We wanted to ask you if we could borrow your dog for today?" He asks.


"Our coach said we needed a mascot and nobody said yes... Please?" He asks. This is so stupid.

"He is a SERVICE DOG. I could have a panic attack if he is not here!"

"Wait he is a service dog?" Keaton asks and I roll my eyes.

"No dip he has a vest!"

"Oh, well that was a hug waste of time"


I give them a glare I walk out. I was really mad even though it's not that big of a deal. My Anger thinks other wise. I meet Hannah and Catelynn in the hallway and told them what happened.

"Are those guys stupid or something!" Catelynn asks.

"I guess so!"

They thought it was pretty funny, and after seeing them laugh about it so much I wasn't so angry anymore. I laughed with them.

"Okay let's go home we need to go get ready for volleyball"

"Yeah lets go, who's driving?"

"I will!" Hannah says.

"NO" I says.

"Hannah last time you drove you honked and raged out at a police officer for going to slow!" Catelynn tells us.

"Okay, okay, fine, Y/n you drive them" says Hannah.


Once we all get home we get dressed to go to volleyball when I get a text from Tom.

Boss man😎
Hey what time are you coming to the studio?

Around 7:00

Boss man😎

While I'm getting ready I start to stress out a lot. Cami notices this and puts her paws on my legs, Everything starts to spin and I start to tremble and sweat, I decide to lie down, Cami lays on me. The next thing I know I'm falling off my bed and Cami tries to keep me up but she is still a puppy. I end up hitting my head on my night stand and I start to drift off. I can vaguely hear two voices in the background, then I black out.

(Thanks for reading!what do u think will happen to Y/n, read to find out;)

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