17 London?

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We all had a lot of fun last night, but we were really tired because we stayed up really late watching Christmas movies when we got home. I just woke up, and I am not a morning person, I drowsily walk to the kitchen and I see Haz making pancakes, we all know he's not very good at that. He always fails at making pancakes.

"Wow, Haz is making pancakes?"

"Don't act so surprised, I can cook."

"Yeah well YouTube says otherwise." We all laugh and take our seats in the living room, and a few minutes later Haz comes out of the kitchen with some decent looking pancakes.

"Wow, they look pretty good Haz, not gonna lie."

"See I can cook." He says while proudly passing out pancakes.

"Okay, okay." We all eat our pancakes quickly and we all get ready to go to Starbucks. At least me and Tom were, everyone else had different plans.

~20 minutes later~

"Tom, you ready?"

"Yeah, I'm coming." He says while running out from his side of the suite.

"Okay, let's go."

"Yup." He says while he grabs my hand and we walk out of the apartment.

~at Starbucks~


I couldn't stop thinking about how much I want Y/n to meet my family, she would love them. Her family is very similar to mine. We talk for a while then decide to go on a walk around the Starbucks area.

"So, Y/n how would you feel about meeting my family?"

"Oh my gosh, really? in London?"

"Yes, I will pay for the tickets and everything."

"Really, oh my god that would be amazing! I would LOVE to meet them!"

"I know you'll love them, they are a lot like your family."

"Crazy and weird?"


"Haha, perfect." She says while giving me a soft kiss on the lips. We head home and decide to tell everyone, they were also coming, if they would like too of course.

Hannah POV

Y/n and Tom walk in, both in which have dorky grins plastered across their faces.

"What's up with you two?" I saw questioning them.

"Should we tell them now?" She asks Tom.

"You better!" I say as me and Catelynn grab pillows and start to hit her with them, that just starts on a full blown pillow fight between everyone.

(Btw I will update this chapter throughout my Christmas break)

"Okay, STOP, I was going to tell you!" I yell and we all burst out laughing.

"What is it then?"

"Tom offered to buy us all tickets to London, if you guys wanted to come."

"OMG, we would LOVE too." They say while they start to beat me with pillows again.

"Dude, I told you guys already l, why are you still hitting me with pillows?"

"Because it's fun!" Hannah yells while hitting my face with the pillow.

"Wait, when are we going?"

"I don't know, I'll go ask Tom."

Tom, Harry and Haz had left the room due to our very aggressive pillow fight.


We all left because the girls were going at it during the pillow fight.

"Hey Tom, when we go to London do you think Carlee will be back, again?"

"I hope not, she can get violent, but Y/n could take her down easily."

"Yeah, she could." Carlee was Tom's toxic, rude, aggressive ex girlfriend and whenever she found out Tom had a new girlfriend, she would attempt to jump them in the streets, she was definitely mentally ill. We just start to talk about how exited we are about going back to London and seeing our family.

"I feel like all of them will get along just fine with Sam and Paddy because they all have pretty similar personality's but they are all unique in a good, weird way." Tom says and we all agree, but then all of the girls come barging in and start to throw pillows at us.

"Come on guys, grab a pillow!" Catelynn says and i grab a pillow and hit her with it and she hits me back, and it keeps going on and on. I don't know why I feel this way but for some reason I feel like Catelynn is keeping something from me and I can't get it out of my head, I thought about snooping but I stopped myself.

Narrator POV

Haz was restless about it but little did her know the secret she kept from him was not bad but he might not like it. Her ex boyfriend from high school had recently reached out to her for advice about his anxiety.
         They had grown closer due to that, but she had not attraction to him, she just loved him like a brother at this point, they had met up constantly in the morning.
         Catelynn hasn't told Haz yet but was going to soon.

Time skip, Haz POV

We were all packing to leave Salina and head down to the Kansas City airport to fly off to London to see our family again, and for the girls to meet them. I decide to go check on Catelynn because she hadn't answered any of my texts.
I knock on the door and Y/n answered.

"Hey, where's Catelynn?"

"Oh she's still sleeping."

"Okay, can I come in?"

"Yeah, her room is to the right of the kitchen."

"Okay, thanks."

I walk in and sure enough she is sleeping, then I see her phone light up, I was contemplating whether or not to look at it because I didn't recognize the name, Leo. I decided it wouldn't hurt to check.

Oh, have fun in London we can hang out when you get back!

It wasn't anything bad, but I decided to scroll further up. As I was looking through it I saw that she used a kissy face emoji and she said, "love you, goodnight!" That was enough for me to get mad, was she cheating on me, does she still like me? All these thoughts were running through my mind when I hear Catelynn's voice.

"Haz, what are you doing in my phone?" She says trying to grab it from me.

"Who is Leo? And why did you say I love you to him, and why does it seem like your cheating on me?"

"What?! I would never cheat on you!"

"Really!" I say while showing her the messages. She had a hurt look in her face, I started to raise my voice at her thinking she was cheating and she just sat there dumbfounded.

"I'm not cheating on you!" She says while on the verge of tears, that's when Y/n walks in.

"What's happening?"

"Haz thinks I'm cheating on him"

"What!? She would never!"

"Than who is Leo!?" Y/n looked at me with rage in her eyes so I repeated the question again.

"Who is Leo." At this point Catelynn was crying.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT, THATS HER BROTHER!" I sat there absolutely empty, I felt awful, that's when Y/n let it out and yelled at me, and I made the mistake of yelling back.

(Sorry for not updating recently I've been with my family for the holidays. I hope you all had a great Christmas! But what do you guys think will happen between Haz and Catelynn? What is Y/n going to do?)

(Word count, 1232)

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