(author's note)

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"Cyric's eyes are black and unsteady as his attention shifts, a slow drag from Noel's double-knotted tennis shoes to the collar of his sweater. He's watching his pulse — can undoubtedly hear his heart thundering against his ribs like a trapped bee.

If someone asked Noel to pinpoint the sensation of fear, he'd tell them it felt like ice slipping down his back, the way someone hunches their shoulders to make them feel smaller — the way a fawn must feel in the wake of an approaching wolf.

It's the way you feel around a Scelerati."

Warnings for: plot-typical violence, language, sexuality, supernatural creatures, and caste systems. features a slow-burn romance.

(A/N: Cyric is the love interest.

This may come as a surprise to old readers. The entire story has been rewritten to allow more character interactions before the plot sets off into motion.

The plot and critical scenes have changed to allow the romance aspect to be significantly heavier and begin earlier.

The relationship between Noel and Cyric will develop healthily and consensually despite the dark tones and Cyric's initial introduction as a villain.

This is the final revision.)

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