Prologue: Drakoniel

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In a land of myth and a time of magic, there was a kingdom that resided in the mountains few dared enter; for dragons were said to live there. It was a great and prosperous kingdom. Magic was free, the people were happy, and dragons roamed the skies.

This kingdom was called Drakoniel.

It was ruled over for centuries by a long line of Dragonlords; the family Ambrosius. For as long as anyone still alive could remember Drakoniel was a peacful place with a gracious king and queen, and of course their three children.

There was King Balinor: the most loved king yet to rule the kingdom. He was brave, strong, loving of his people, and of course a spectacular dragonlord. The great dragon Kilgarrah respected him as a friend, a brother, and a leader.

There was Queen Hunith: the kindest soul you could ever meet. She was once only a simple peasant, not even of Drakoniel. She was raised in the small village of Ealdor, in Cenred's kingdom. She was loved all the same, adored by her people; for she would always put her people and others first.

Then, the oldest of the three heirs, was Prince Merlin Ambrosius; or as he was known by many: The Dragon Prince. Prince Merlin had the kindness and selflesness of his dear mother; which you could see resonate in the blue irises they shared. He had the strength and leadership of his father; which you could see and feel each time his eyes glowed the gold of magic, for his magic was stronger than any yet before him. His strength was seen not only when his eyes glowed, but simply in his physique. He stood tall and proud. His frame was thin but even in his young age you could see the lines of his muscles through the light fabric of nobles. His skills with the sword were unmatched by any, as well as his skills with throwing knives and a bow. His accuracy achieved by countless hours of training, it was rare you did not see the young prince on the training feild with a weapon in his hand. He was loved by his people and he took to trying to memorized each and every single one of their names. The Dragon Prince was known in other kingdoms by that title alone, for few not from Drakoniel knew his given name.

After the great Dragon Prince there were his younger sibings. The Twin Hatchlings, as they were known. The Princess Erelise and the Prince Eren. They were a mischevios two, always playing pranks; especially on their big brother. They were extremely smart and possessed powerful magic, though not as strong as The Dragon Prince's. Yet, like their brother, they were exceptionally skilled with weaponry. However, they each had their own specialty. For Erelise it was archery, for Eren it was throwing knives. The Dragon Prince trained them himself.

The kingdom's peace, though strong as it was, crumbled in one terrible day. All thanks to a once trusted knight, Sir Galvarr.

That is where our story begins, on that day when a great kingdom was brought to it's knees and it's monarchs forced to flee. When the bravest prince, and strongest king, and kindest queen, and most mischievous of princes and princesses, had to abandon everything they believed to be right so that one day they might rule again and bring peace back to their land.

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