(17) Welcome Back

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Two months later 

It was mid September when Bucky returned to NY after being gone four months. Sam and Steve wanted to make a big deal about it. So they had donuts and coffee for everyone when he walked in everyone clapped and cheered to welcome him back. 

"Thanks." He said 

Sam and Steve showed him around since they made changes. Now their departments had their own floor. HR was on their floor because it made more sense to have them on the same floor. When they were done they showed him to his new office he still had his windows but it was more executive looking. 

"You all showed me around but you never mentioned PR. Why wasn't there a PR office shown?" He said 

"Sorry I missed the big welcome back I had a appointment. Welcome back Mr Barnes." Aubrie said with her 8 month baby bump on full display. 

"She's still PR. Our PR is going to be run by her from her PR firm. That's why there hasn't been a office for her." Sam said 

Bucky swallowed hard. "It's nice to see you again Ms O' Connor. Thank you for all you did over the summer." He said

"You're welcome. Anyways I have to go cause I have a meeting but welcome back again." She said with a smile and left. 

Bucky looked down as tears welled. 

"Bucky what's wrong?" Sam said 

"Nothing it's nothing. I just need a minute can you all wait for me in the conference room." He said 

"Yeah.." Steve said 

Bucky sat down at his desk pulled it all back in. He met the guys as they discussed their new deal that they had been working on. 

That weekend was Sam and Nicole's 15th wedding anniversary. They were all gathered at Sam and Nicole's house for a dinner. Aubrie showed up a few minutes late cause of traffic. After they had dinner and dessert everyone was mingling. Bucky found Aubrie in the kitchen. 

"Why?" He said 

She looked up at him confused. "Don't play dumb. Why didn't you tell me about the baby? Why did I have to hear about it from my friends after you were already 5 months pregnant? I'm not dumb I know that the baby is the reason why you quit. You were trying to hide from me cause you didn't want me to know about her." He said 

"Don't act like you care. And FYI I was going to tell you but I found Daisy on your dick the day I found out." She said 

"I'm not a fucking heartless bastard! I know how to take responsibility for my actions but how am I suppose to fucking do that Aubrianna when you are keeping shit from me! Hiding in your office taking three weeks off! I get it I'm an asshole and I fucked up but you still should of told me the truth! I atleast deserved that! I was honest with you! I told you what the damn thing was from the beginning that it was all fake!" He said 

She looked down as she wiped tears. 

"You deserve the truth! What about me! You weren't honest with me when you started screwing around with the other girls at the office! While still sleeping with me! I'm not a play thing! So don't you dare sit here and tell me that I was wrong for keeping her from you when you couldn't even be honest with me!" She snapped back 

"Okay okay you two need to calm down. Especially you.." Natasha said as she came in and pointed to Aubrie. 

Aubrie took a deep breathe and wiped tears. "I'm gonna go." She whispered and left. 

"Buck that wasn't necessary she is 8 and half months pregnant picking a screaming matching with her wasn't a good idea." Natasha said 

Bucky wiped tears and said "sorry Sam and Nikki. I'm gonna go too." He said

"Barnes..come on. You can't be upset she was just being honest." Sam said 

"Nat you were right. I'm a terrible person I can't even be a fake boyfriend.." he said as he wiped more tears and left. 

Nat looked down as she fought her own tears. "Nat what did you do?" Sam said 

She told him about their conversation over the summer. Sam shook his head "I forgot about how he did that to you." Sam said as they all went back outside. 

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