(13) Time For Mama Bear

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While Bucky and Steve were on day 3 of their business trip. Sam and his wife Nicole gathered up Peggy Natasha and Wanda. They went over to James and Winnie's house they were having lunch with Brandon and his wife Madison. James answered the door he let out a little laugh. 

"Haven't seen you all like this since you were about this high.." James said 

"May we come in? We really need to talk to you about Bucky." Sam said 

"Yeah sure. Don't mind the mess little Olivia was just playing down here but Maddie put her down for a nap." James said

They went into what use to be his home office when he use to practice law. Winnie and Brandon joined them. 

"We know Sarah told you about how his relationship with Ms O'Connor was nothing more than a ruse." Peggy said 

"Yeah she did." Winnie said 

"The night that it ended she found him in bed with one of the girls that works for him. Daisy Sutton she works in our accounting department. He has sex with her in his office on many occasions as well as a employee named Holly Bruins in our legal department. And a girl named Lydia Howe in HR. On any given time of day you will hear them." Sam said 

"He's sleeping with other employees?" Brandon said 

"Yes." Sam said 

"Not only that..Aubrianna is 5 and half months pregnant with a baby girl that belongs to him. He doesn't know because he's made it very clear that the life we all have is something he doesn't want." Natasha said 

Winnie blinked away tears. "Where did we go wrong James?" She whispered as he hugged her. 

"I don't know darlin." James said as Brandon rubbed her back. 

"He doesn't seem to think he's doing anything wrong." Wanda said 

"Thank you all." James said as he walked them out. 

Bucky had two text messages and voicemails from his parents saying they needed to talk to him. He figured he would just talk to them when he got back. His flight landed late Sunday night so he made a plan in his head to go see them after work.

Everyone knew his parents James was a former DA and governor of NY and Winnie was a retired cardio thoracic surgeon and highly rated in the field. So when they entered the building Monday morning they knew not to stop them. 

Bucky had Holly from legal against his window as her legs were wrapped around his waist. He was slamming so hard he was breaking a sweat. As they approached his door they could hear Holly screaming. 

Kathy was stunned to see her boss's parents standing there with Steve and Sam. She didn't move she let them go on in. Winnie's mouth fell open when she saw her son and Holly against the big glass windows over looking the city. James walked over and pulled his ear.

"Ow ow ow.." 

Holly opened her eyes and saw the room was filled with people she unhooked her legs. Bucky seen his parents. "What are you two doing here?" Bucky said as He pulled up his pants. 

Winnie picked up Holly's clothes and jerked her by arm. "Out of my son's office! Go!" Winnie said as she shoved her out the door. She made a beeline for her son and smacked hard twice. 

"Do you have any idea how bad this could look if it got out that you are screwing your employees!" Winnie snapped 

"Mom i.." he said but James dragged by his ear to make him sit down. 

"You have got to get a grip son! Screwing women that work for you is not a good look for your business! Not to mention putting them against each other to where one of them has to leave because she can't be around this mess! I raised you better than this James! I raised you to have respect to know boundaries. To be a fucking man!" James yelled 

Bucky looked down. 

"Now I have your friends showing up at my house cause they are concerned about you and telling me you screwing these women. That the girl you were faked engaged to found you in bed with another woman..and you don't even care about anything but this damn business." James said 

Winnie wiped tears. 

"And not only did you hurt that girl you hurt your mother! And that is one thing I won't stand for son. It hurt her when she found out it was all fake." James said 

Bucky still wouldn't look up so James made him look up at him. "And you hurt me to son. You have made me and your mother feel like we failed you as parents." He said 

"Dad..I'm sorry.." he said as gulped feeling like a 12 year old kid again for breaking his mother's favorite vase with his football. He was shaking so bad as tears started to fall. 

"Go ahead Sam.." James said as he let go of his chin. 

Bucky looked at Sam confused. "Aubrie is 5 and half months pregnant. That's why we have been so angry with you. Because you don't seem to care about anything. She quit because you chose to use her for financial gain for the company. You don't know anything about that girl..you have no idea what kind hell her life has been..and you go and add more on top of what already is in her head. That's why we have been upset.." Sam said 

Bucky looked down. 

"You need to take a break son. You need to go make sure you are clean..and you need to go somewhere to clear your head. Go to the house in the Hamptons if you need to. But son you need to do those two things before you talk to Aubrie." James said 

"Yes sir.." he whispered 

Everyone left the room as soon as the door shut. Bucky wiped his face and went into his private bathroom he saw the huge red mark across his face. He splashed some cold water on his face and neck. He fixed his clothes and put his business affairs in order so he could take some time away. 

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