🥦Ch 18: Whom to trust?🥦

Start from the beginning

I couldn't believe my ears. It felt like my whole world was turned upside down. No this couldn't be! He had to be lying! This was all a big plot- but...why and who?


e continued.

"At first, I thought I was helping the Omegas, to place them in better homes. For months I would gather information on the ones that were abused and mistreated by their parents."

Oh. No. I did not like where this was going. This couldn't be true...No...was it what they were ...?

"It was too easy almost, the parents damn neared handed over their kids versus paying hefty balances on loans."

He laughed dejectedly as he shifted his weight uncomfortably, "by the time I found out what was really happening it was too late. I was threatened if I didn't continue scouting Omegas, he would have me framed and say the whole operation was my idea!"

It was all falling into perfect pieces now.

This was horrible. It was clear to me now, that I had been deceived and tricked from the start! I couldn't believe my ears. I wished I could stop hearing all this altogether. Was this what they were planning to do with me too? Was this all pretense then? And I thought, I thought I finally had a family? How could they?
But no, in the end they would just sell me off too for a better price perhaps.

"So, I continued to do my job, against my own will, until I started scouting you and your friend Earth."

Not Earth.
How did he come into the story!?
I wished a million times he were lying. That there were atleast some other explanation to this. Earth couldn't be in this too! It's all my fault! All my fault!

"But Earth comes from a good home!" I cried, trying to reassure myslef that it was all just one of my regular nightmares.
Come on stupid brain! Wake up already!

"No, he doesn't." Kao shook his head,

"he lied just like you did. His abuse was far worse than yours."

I couldn't even bring myself to imagine what Earth was going through if his life were truly crueler than mine. He just, seemed so happy? Perhaps , you never know, what's going on with someone else.

"I realized Earth was my mate."

I stopped dead at his words. I couldn't judge for myslef anymore which was the truth and which wasn't.
I could see the anguish in his eyes, and it made me so hard to not believe him. He was injured, bleeding and still cared about his mate and trying desperately to just save him. His mate, who happened to be my best friend. And probably the only link to my old life.

"I thought Ohm would see reason, and not make me hand him over, but no,"

He shook his head, "he tells me the only way he'll give me Earth is if I give him 450,000 baht." That's over $15,000! "Please help me get him back."

He was silent for a moment, "I tried to help you too, but Ohm has some morbid fascination with you, he wouldn't even see reason."

"You're lying!" I screamed! "Why should I believe you!? P'Ohm's been nothing but a living brother to me! And he has a mate! Shut your dirty mouth!"

||SOLD|| A bounprem omegaverse story(in Collab With Astringentlysweet)Where stories live. Discover now