Chapter 22

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*Dodges flying objects* EEK I'm so sorry. I'm such a bitch. You have permission to rant in the comments. I'm terribly sorry, i be just had some major writers block. But here i am today, posting. Yay.

Also, can I just say that I am absolutely terrified. There are people planning murder in my comment sections. LiEk, should I hide? I dunno

ALSO! I swear I'm getting slammed in the comments with like a billion 'UPDATE's everyday. I don't mind it, it doesn't bother me, but I don't follow a schedule because I run our of ideas sometimes. This story is going to take some time but it will get finished and I just need you guys to be patient. I don't follow a schedule anymore because I don't like to force myself to update with something that isn't my best work. So.... sorry?

Anyways, here you go uwu

Finding harry may have been the easiest thing Draco had ever done. All they had to do was follow the trail of hippopotamus sized footprints which lead in the direction of the shrieking shack.

Pansy had moved to the front of the group, if there even was a front to the group. They were all walking pretty quickly.

The trail led around the back of the shrieking shack and in the shadow of the tall, run down building, Draco could just barely make out a small slumped figure that was being towered over by two taller, bear sized boys.

Instantly Draco knew who it was. Harry. He rushed up to Harry, shouldering his way past Crabbe and Goyle who stood there, frozen in shock.

"Harry? Harry! Are you ok? Please answer me!"

Harry was unresponsive. His cheeks were a terrible shade of purple, and his eyes were blackened. He had cuts all over his body and he wasn't breathing.

"Harry! Oh Merlin, please be ok. Theo!"

Theo rushed forward, leaving Pansy and Blaise to deal with Crabbe and Goyle.

"He's not breathing!" Draco said frantically and Theo immediately began CPR, pumping his chest with the heels of his hands before pinching his nose and breathing into his mouth.

After a couple minutes, Harry coughed violently, blood splattering out of his mouth onto the white snow. Crabbe and Goyle were gone now, chased off by Blaise and Pansy who rushed over.

"We need to get him to the hospital wing, now!" Theo warned and Draco stood up, cradling Harry's body in his arms. He stumbled towards the school in a mess of desperate tears and hurried steps.

So I have a lot to say. This chapter took me forever to write. I'm not kidding, I spent months on this particular chapter. Anyways, I would like to dedicate this chapter to @Pastel_Cloud22

She helped me in a moment where I was going through something really rough and thanks to her, I was able to write this chapter. She brought me the inspiration for this one.

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