Chapter 3

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Harry uncomfortable sat in the compartment, avoiding the worried eyes of his 2 best friends. He hadn't spoken a single word.

Hermione was, easy to say, more than worried.

"Harry. Do you want to tell us what happened?" She asked tentatively.

Harry self consciously pulled his already dragging sleeves down even further and played with the string on his hoodie. He shook his head.

"Are you sure mate?" Ron spoke in a soft voice, careful not to startle Harry who was staring at the wall with a blank expression.

There was a knock on the compartment door and the sweet old lady appeared.

"Anything from the trolley dears?"

Hermione hesitates before purchasing some chocolate frogs for the three of them. As they snacked on chocolate, crookshanks played with the wrappers.

Soon, an unwanted guest showed up at the door, smirking. Ron glared.

"What do you want Malfoy."

"Just to bid my least favorite people hello after a long, excruciating, summer." Malfoy drawled out each word dramatically, causing Hermione to roll her eyes.

Harry didn't even notice them. His emerald green eyes just stared at the wall, unseeing.

"What about you, Potter? Enjoy your summer of people fawning all over the chosen one?"

Harry's eyes turned to Malfoys, after being addressed by the blonde. Yet they were empty. Lifeless.

"Leave him alone. He's had a horrible summer."

Malfoy didn't say anything as he left the compartment. All he could think about was that empty, lifeless, stare coming straight from Harry Potter.

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