Chapter 19

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I'm on a rampage. I'm trying to finish this story soon because I have 2 more being written atm so...

Harry stumbled excitedly after Draco as the two raced down to hallway. They were heading to the dungeons.

All of a sudden, they ran into someone, knocking both parties to the ground.

"Oh hello Dray. Fancy seeing you here."

Blaise grinned and helped the blonde up who returned his smile before turning to harry. He held out his hand and the smaller boy took it quickly.

"GAY." Blaise shouted, his voice filling the corridors.

Harry's face went crimson.

"Oh shut up you fucking Italian."

Pansy snorted and Blaise did a mock salute before screeching out his next sentence.

"MaMa MiA!"

"Shut the fuck up." Theo rubbed his temples and Blaise gave a shit eating grin.

The group continued down the hallway and into the snowy streets of Hogsmeade. Harry nor Draco realized that they were still holding hands.

Draco looked over at the raven haired boy beside him, his face becoming slightly worried seeing the flush that had crept up onto his cheeks and nose from the cold.

"Are you cold?"

Harry nodded and Draco unwrapped his scarf from his neck before winding it around the Gryffindors.

"There you go."

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