Chapter 12

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You know what? I'm gonna upload another chapter for this book today because I'm NiCe.

"Hey Dray. Calm down."

Draco had arrived only seconds before and flopped down on the couch. Pansy looked at him with concern.

"I'm sorry for waking you up Pans." Draco rubbed his face.

"It's fine. Now would you mind telling me why Po-erm Harry was in your dorm?"

"He was outside of my dorm. I couldn't have just left him. Besides, he looked so sad."

"Why is he a mute?"

Draco shook his head.

"I'm not sure but I found him in the library this morning and I guess I scared him because he fell to the ground and starting have a panic attack. I managed to calm him down and when I was going to help him up, he sort of screamed and yanked his arm back."

Pansy was looking more worried by the second.

"Then I asked to see his arm and he wouldn't let me. He started crying again and let me see his arm and-"

Pansy inclined her head, waiting for Draco to choke back a strangled sob.

"It was cut up and bleeding and-! Oh pansy, you should have seen the scars! Ugly, pink scars that were covered in blood! I felt so shocked and so sad! What if I was the one who made him do it?"

Pansy looked stricken. She began to speak quietly, as if talking to a hurt aninal.

"Draco. It's ok, calm down. If you did it to him, i doubt he would have come to you. It's ok"

Draco felt hot tears gliding down his face.

"But- OH! Think of everything I've ever said to him to make him feel bad and he was already thinking about it himself! Oh Merlin pansy I feel horrible! I hate it! What is this feeling?"

Despite the somber feeling in the room, pansy chucked.

"Draco, you're feeling regret. It's ok to feel that way. Did you apologize already?"

Draco nodded and sniffed.

"Then it's ok. Please don't cry! If you cry, I'll cry! And when I cry, I look like an ugly goat!"

Draco smiled.

"Promise me you won't cry."

"I promise pans."

♡//Mute//♡ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora