Chapter 23

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So this story is beginning to come to a close. I plan on having no more than 5 chapters left so be ready as well as a note at the end that has some exciting news for you! Make sure to stick around for the news! Also, I have started a oneshots drarry book. It has about 7 oneshots currently on there and about another 7 being written at the moment so stay tuned for that as well.

When they had reached the school, Draco's arms were beginning to protest. Harry wasn't heavy, oh no he was quite underweight. But he was still dead weight to carry.

They had stumbled into the front hall, Harry's bruised and battered face covered with fresh blood, Draco's eyes stained with obvious tear tracks, Blaise and Pansy looking ready to commit murder, and Theo looking very, very, anxious.

Madam Pomfrey had been astounded when she saw the state they were in. She took harry from Draco's arms, much to Draco's displeasure and immediately worked to heal him.

Then she had forced calming draughts down their throats and insisted Draco stay for the night, as he had gone into shock.

"But- but harry..." Draco had protested when the nurse had pulled the curtains to Harry's bed closed.

"Hush dear. Harry will be fine. You need to sleep. You're exhausted. You're all exhausted! Bed! All of you! Come see me in the morning!" She told Blaise, Pansy, and Theo who nodded firmly with wide eyes.

The three had left the hospital wing reluctantly and it took another 30 minutes and a sleeping potion to get Draco to settle down and sleep.

When he woke up, Harry still wasn't awake. Madam pomfrey rushed over, fussing over him like a mother hen.

"How are you feeling dear? Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine." Draco assured in hopes to shake off the slightly annoying mediwitch who huffed and turned to tend to the bruises on Harry's face. There was nothing she could do about them except let them heal on their own.

Blaise came rubbing through the door of the infirmary, closely followed by Pansy, Theo, and surprisingly Granger and Weasley.

"We heard what happened. Is he ok?" Granger puffed out, panting as she caught her breath.

"He should be fine. It'll take him a couple days to recover, of course. We're lucky Mr. Nott knows how to perform CPR. He saved his life."

Theo flushed a deep red under the thankful looks that the two Gryffindors sent him.

"Who did this to him?" Ron demanded.

"Crabbe and Goyle." Draco spat with as much venom as he could muster.

"Don't worry about them. We already took care of it." Pansy said, gesturing to herself and Blaise.

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