Chapter 16

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Draco hadn't seen Harry all day. He asked Blaise and Pansy to help him look but both had waved him off with a smirk, telling him to find his 'boyfriend' by himself.

Draco rolled his eyes at their reaction for the umpteenth time today. He couldn't help but snort at the idea, knowing that Potter would never fall for him.

Draco had heard from interrogating many students that Harry was seen aimlessly walking around the halls which didn't seem like him, but ooh well O-o Draco thought.

Draco had searched the entire school, many times getting stuck on the staircases as they moved.

There was one place he hadn't checked. Myrtle' s bathroom.

Draco marched his way to the second floor, flinging the door open. He noticed a small body with messy black curls curled up on the floor.

"Harry?" He asked quietly.

Harry raised his head at the noise, smiling weakly when he saw Draco.

He waved at the small boy.

Harry waved back and Draco sat down next to the gryffindor.

"Don't feel like breathing fire either today?" He asked.

Harry shook his head.

"Me neither. I feel like shit. Why are you crying. Shouldn't you be with weasley and granger?"

Harry pulled out his trusty self erasing parchment and a quill.

Ron is away because of family stuff and Hermione is studying. We were supposed to go to Hogsmeade today but they cancelled on me. I was really looking forward to it.

Draco read the note before looking up at Harry and studying his face.

"You can come with us if you want.

Hey guys. I recently made a YouTube channel... do you guys want a gacha life creation of this story? I'm just curious...

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