Chapter 21

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"Hey. Has anyone seen Harry?"

Blaise shrugged, lip sticking out.

"He was here a minute ago, right?"

Draco groaned. How had they managed to loose Potter?

Theo sniffed.

"Crabbe and Goyle are gone too..."

"You don't think...?" Blaise trailed off. Theo nodded in affirmation.

"I'm going to wack them with my purse. Those little bitches."

"Shut up Pans. On second thought, come here. Let me smack you."

"Shut up, all of you. I found something." Theo yelled.

Draco was next to him in a flash.

"What did you find?


Sure enough, there were two sets of huge footprints leading into an alleyway as well as drag marks.

"And look. Here's a shoe." Pansy waved the shoe around, a few feet away from Theo and draco.

"It's too small to be crabbes or goyles." Blaise commented.

"Then it's harrys."

"C'mon. I'm going that way."

To my dear sweet readers who dealt with my lazy ass, this is for you. I love you guys uwu

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