Chapter Twenty-Three

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Soooo I really like this chapter, what about you guys? Tell me when you're done ;) In this one you find out a lot more about Blake's family, which is nice. Shall hopefully upload tomorrow, but I'm not quite done with the next chapter yet, so I can't be one hundred percent sure. Also I'll be watching the FINAL EVER EPISODE OF GOSSIP GIRL! Does anyone else watch it? If so, are you as excited as me? I wish I lived in America so that I could watch it on tv :(

Happy reading :)


     Suddenly, we were concentrating all of our efforts on getting the gallery open. That evening, after we’d tucked Flick into bed, we stayed up late at the kitchen table, drinking wine and planning in detail the opening party. We decided who would be there, when we would have it, how we would advertise it, the décor, we made a preliminary list of the pieces we would display and Blake jotted up how much it would all cost.

    Since we were doing everything ourselves as always, it wasn’t too pricey, and was well within our budget. We were going to hold it the next Friday, giving us a week to prepare. Blake was going to design flyers for it, and I was going to use my connections to get them printed cheaply and displayed in the right places.

     We spent the next day beginning these preparations, and shifting through all the work we’d done since we arrived, picking the best ones of St. David’s to display and leaving all the “maybes” in the back room.

     Early on Saturday morning we took Flick over to my mother’s. ‘I still can’t believe you guys are almost ready to open already,’ she told us, taking Flick from Blake’s arms. ‘I’m so proud of you.’

    Blake grinned back manically. ‘We’re proud of us too,’ she admitted. I chuckled at this, dropping the bag I was carrying on the floor of my mother’s hallway.

     ‘Okay, well this has everything she should need,’ I told her. ‘Blake packed it, so she probably remembered everything.’ Mum snorted at this, putting Flick down, who immediately ran off to the sitting room.

     ‘Well, even if you guys did forget something, I have your spare key,’ she reminded us. ‘So I can just pop over to yours.’

     ‘Right, yeah,’ Blake muttered. ‘It should be fine, she’s an easy child.’

     My mother gave Blake a friendly smile. ‘Don’t worry sweetie, it’ll be fine,’ she reassured her. ‘You guys will only be gone one night.’

      Blake sighed and nodded in agreement. ‘I know, it’s just, she’s never been away from us for this long. We won’t be back until tomorrow evening, that’s basically two whole days.’

      My mother just looked understanding, while I let out a little exasperated breath. ‘It’ll be fine,’ I told Blake for the millionth time. ‘Even Flick isn’t worried.’

     She gave me a weak smile and I just took her by the hand, pulling her into the living room to say goodbye to our daughter. We kissed her and hugged her tight, while she remained indifferent.

     ‘Come on,’ I said, prying Blake away again. ‘We need to leave if we want to get to London with time to go to our storage.’

     We moved out of the sitting room to the hallway, where my mother pulled her car keys out of the pocket of a jacket hanging near the door. ‘Be careful,’ she warned me. ‘You’re not insured if you damage it in any way.’

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