Chapter Thirty-One

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Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Here is he second last chapter :) I've decided I'm not going to upload the last one until tomorrow, that way it can be a kind of Christmas present from me to you :D I hope you're all with the people you love today, and if any of you come from one of those countries that celebrates today instead of tomorrow, I hope you have a lovely day. Being half Spanish, I get to do both. Tonight I'm doing the big Spanish meal, with lamb and rice, and tomorrow we're going to see our English family and there'll probably be a turkey involved! 

Remember to vote and comment ;)


     I opened my eyes as Blake shook me vigorously. ‘Beth,’ she said. ‘Wake up, I’ve found them.’

     I moaned sleepily, rubbing my eyes. Blake was leaning over me, her long wisps of hair tickling my face. The room was half lit by a weak light filtering through the curtains. ‘What time is it?’ I asked her.

     ‘It’s like six in the morning,’ she told me, plonking herself down on the bed next to me. ‘I know where Flick is.’

     This got my attention and I suddenly shot up, sitting upright, my hair a big messy nest on my head. ‘You have?’ I asked. ‘Jesus, have you been up all night?’

     She shook her head at me and placed a hand on one of my legs. ‘No, I only stayed up for about an hour after you fell asleep; I cleared up the glass, I called Debby but she didn’t pick up, I talked to Michael but he hasn’t seen her since last week and then I started calling Bed and Breakfasts, but after a couple it was late and they stopped having anyone there to answer the phones. I got up an hour ago and continued and I found them. Guess where they’re staying.’

     I rubbed my eyes again, still half asleep. ‘I have no idea,’ I told her. ‘Where are they?’

     ‘They’re at the Grove Hotel,’ she said, as if this was supposed to mean something to me. All I knew was that it was a big, fairly cheap place to stay, right in the centre of St. David’s, just three streets over from our house. When I shrugged at her she let out a sigh. ‘That’s where my parents and Eric are staying,’ she told me.

     ‘Oh. Right,’ I murmured. ‘Are you sure it’s them?’

     She nodded quickly. ‘Yes, I’m sure. I spent ages talking to the receptionist just now, and I explained everything,’ she gushed, trying to get all the words out as quickly as possible. ‘She says that a woman and a toddler checked in late last night, and they looked a lot like mother and daughter and they checked in under the name Debby Williams. I don’t know why she used Michael’s surname, maybe she didn’t want us to find her, but it’s stupid really because of course we’d realise it was her.’

      ‘Wow,’ I managed. ‘So we go over there?’ Blake nodded, and I jumped out of bed. Blake was already dressed and looking very good for someone who had had about five hours sleep, and there was me, who even with seven hours felt like absolute crap. I wandered around to the other side of the room in my underwear, looking for some clothes. Normally on a morning like this I would have jumped into the shower, but I couldn’t. All I wanted to do was rush over to the hotel and get Flick back, so instead I pulled on a t-shirt and jeans over the same underwear I’d been wearing yesterday.

      ‘Let’s go,’ I said to Blake, who was still sitting on the bed, watching me.

      ‘That was quick,’ she commented, standing up and following me out of our room. I grabbed a jacket as we passed the hangers in the hallway and slipped my feet into a pair of boots. I was out of the front door in no time, and Blake stumbled to keep up with me, trying to get her trainers on. Once she was out too, I pulled the door closed and locked it with the keys that had been in my pocket.

Three Years OldUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum