Chapter Sixteen

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     ‘So I talked to Michael today,’ I told Blake when she entered our bedroom. I was already in my pyjamas sitting in bed, my book open on my knees in front of me. She had just left the shower, and was wrapped in a rather small towel that didn’t leave much to the imagination. She closed the door behind her softly and moved around the room to our dresser.

     ‘And?’ she asked.  She didn’t stop what she was doing to find out, but pulled open her underwear draw, grabbing a pair and sitting down on her edge of the bed to slip them on under her towel.

     ‘It’s worse than we thought,’ I said, letting my book shut itself in my lap. Blake didn’t even respond to this, continuing what she was doing. I sighed at her. I’d been waiting all day, biting my lip to stop myself from telling her about my conversation with Michael, but Debby had been with us or in the next room every moment since Blake and Flick had got home from their very successful play date. It was annoying how flippant Blake was about it when I was so worked up. She dropped the towel behind her and pulled on her t-shirt. ‘Don’t you want to know?’ I asked her.

     She stood up now and actually looked at me for the first time. ‘Of course I do,’ she told me. ‘You know I’m always interested in what you tell me. It’s just that since Debby got here you’ve been such a drama queen about her presence. I’m getting a bit tired of hearing your different theories.’

     Even though this wasn’t a direct insult to me, it still hurt. Any criticism from Blake’s lips always hurt me, because she was everything to me, all I wanted was for her to love me as unconditionally as I loved her.

     ‘Blake,’ I whispered, trying not to get upset. ‘I’m serious.’

     Her face softened slightly and she climbed onto the bed, kneeling next to me. ‘I’m sorry, that was mean,’ she told me. ‘I should believe you. Tell me.’ She placed a reassuring hand on my knee and nodded me on.

     ‘Okay, well I was right – Debby’s hiding something from us,’ I told her. ‘Michael didn’t even know she was here. Strange right?’

     Blake looked surprised and nodded again. ‘Yeah, that’s weird.’

     ‘Well, they had an argument the day before she turned up here, and afterwards she just left without a word. He thought she was just going out for a bit – he must have not seen her leave with her suitcase – so the next morning when she still wasn’t back he noticed that she’d taken her stuff. He called everyone he could think of that she might go see, but none of them had heard from her. He was trying to contact me too, but he doesn’t have our number or my mobile one, and I don’t check my Facebook anymore.’

     Blake frowned at me. ‘Woah,’ she muttered. ‘I can’t believe it. So she must be avoiding him? I mean he has to have tried calling her, but I guess she didn’t pick up.’ She paused, thinking for a second. ‘Wait a second, have we even seen her with her mobile?’ she asked. ‘Maybe she doesn’t even have it with her.’

     I shook my head at this. ‘Nope, I don’t think she does. I haven’t seen her using it once in the last week.’

     ‘Hmm.’ She turned around and lay down, resting her head on my chest, her hair splaying out across me, endless flowing locks of gold. I smiled to myself noticing the tantalising strip of skin revealed between her t-shirt and her underwear. ‘Okay, so there is definitely something that she’s not telling us. But maybe she just doesn’t want us to be asking her loads of questions about it and tiptoeing around her and stuff?’

      I thought about this for a moment, subconsciously running my left hand through her hair. ‘Maybe,’ I said. There was another pause. ‘But Michael said something else that worried me,’ I told her. ‘He said that recently she’s been more and more “unstable”. I don’t really know what he meant by that, but he was very quick to deny the possibility that she’s actually got some sort of problem, as if… well as if that was a possibility.’

     Blake looked up at me, tilting her head back further into me to do so. ‘What so she might be having, like, a mental breakdown or something?’

     I pressed my hands into my eyes in frustration, then ran my fingers through my hair. ‘I don’t know,’ I moaned. ‘I have no idea what’s going on in her head really. I just don’t know what’s been happening her life for the last three years. She’s always been normal and cheerful when she visits us, but that doesn’t mean anything.’

     Blake sighed audibly. ‘There’s not that much we can do though if she doesn’t want to talk about it,’ she pointed out.

     ‘Well, Michael’s coming to get her,’ I told her. This made her sit up suddenly and turn back towards me again.

     ‘What?’ she asked, her face showing her surprise. ‘He’s coming all the way here to get her?’

     ‘Yeah,’ I said. ‘He didn’t know where she was and now he’s gonna come and take her back to Cornwall.’

     She crinkled her forehead at this. ‘But she’s an adult!’ Blake cried. ‘That’s ridiculous. If she needs time away from him, then he needs to accept that rather than drive across the country chasing her.’

Hey guys, so this chapter is a little on the short side, but bare with me, because the next one's exciting!! 


     I shrugged at this. ‘I’m not sure. Debby’s always craved attention and someone to be looking after her,’ I reminded her. ‘I guess it’s left over from her parents abandoning her. Michael’s been the one to look after her for so long. Maybe a part of her wants him to come after her?’

      Blake still didn’t look happy about it, but she sort of deflated with a small nod. ‘I guess you’re probably right, I should trust you when it comes to Debby,’ she said. ‘I mean you were right about there being… something.’

     This made me smile at her. ‘I’m right about everything,’ I teased her.

      ‘Except when I’m right,’ she insisted. I chuckled at this, and she moved closer to me, placing her right leg over me and closing the gap between us to kiss me. Her lips were soft against mine and she pressed up to me. I moved my hand to the back of her neck, where my fingers tangled in her soft hair.

     She broke away briefly to give me a look – one of her cheeky looks that let me know exactly what she was saying. I grinned at her and pressed the index finger of my left hand against my lips, telling her to be quiet because of Debby in the living room who may or may not have been asleep yet.

     She just grinned back with a nod, then kissed me again.


I actually really like this chapter, because it's a sweet one for Beth and Blake... none of you have ever said anything about their relationship, so it'd be nice if you let me know what you think about it. I mean, my readers aren't necessarily people that would normally read girlxgirl stuff, and neither am I, but I still really enjoy writing about their relationship because it's just as sweet as Michael and Debby, if not more. Also, what do you think's gonna happen when Michael arrives? Comment to tell me! Vote if you enjoyed it too ;)

I'll probably upload again on Wednesday, but just to let you know that I'll be taking a break from uploading in one or two weeks, as I have exams coming up. There'll be loads of uploads during the Christmas holidays though!

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