Start from the beginning

Solenn spared him a glance, but she didn't answer. The others didn't even acknowledge him.

Gabriel bristled at their attitude. "Hello? Confused person talking here! Can somebody please tell me what's going on?"

"Shut up," Solenn snapped. She looked tense as her eyes scanned the area. Gabriel was about to retort that he'd had enough of being told to shut up, when she suddenly stopped walking and held up her hand. "They're here."

The three surly Guardians suddenly surrounded him from three sides, as if protecting him from something. Quickly, they reached into their shirts and took something out. Gabriel's pulse quickened when he saw the familiar necklace and pendant. The pendant that Sister Margaret gave him last night! They had them, too!

What the heck was going on?

Gabriel watched in trepidation as the three closed their eyes. Suddenly, blue light streaked from the sky and encased them fully. It was so bright, it almost blinded him, but he shielded his eyes and watched as they transformed right in front of him.

It was like their spirits stepped out from outside of their bodies, but what stepped out were entirely different people.

They were encased in some bronze middle-age war regalia from head to foot, complete with weapons. Solenn had a huge sword strapped on her back. Solomon had a two-pronged mace and a war hammer that put Thor's to shame. Selina was toting two guns that had barrels as huge as a fist, but she also had a broadsword attached on her side.

It was as if they stepped out of a Final Fantasfranchise. Or some other kick-butt role playing game. Or Middle Earth.

Their bodies - the ones they left behind - fell lifelessly onto the ground. Solomon, Selina and Solenn didn't even spare a glance at the discarded bodies and surrounded Gabriel, their weapons at the ready.

"Guys, come on. What the hell is going on?" Many years after, Gabriel would deny that he was hysterical and he was shrieking, but at the moment, he didn't care.

"I said, shut up, Human!" Solenn growled. Gabriel didn't even have the time to react when he heard a loud, blood-curdling shriek. Moments later, Gabriel saw a swarm of hideous winged monsters charging towards them from within the woods.

Even from afar, Gabriel could see their gnarled, canine faces and bat-like bodies. Long, decaying fangs protruded from their snouts. Their wings were tattered, but they were swift in their flight. And they were out to kill them.

"Solenn, guard the Human!" Solomon commanded before he disappeared from Gabriel's side and reappeared a few yards from them, swinging his mace and taking three demons down before he even set foot on the ground.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Solenn spat as she intercepted a demon that was flying towards them, its sharp talons poised to strike. She pushed Gabriel behind her and blocked the attack of the demon with her bare arm before swiping at it with her sword using the other.

Even in his petrified state, Gabriel wondered how Solenn could wield that huge weapon. Its blade was five feet long and a foot wide. The hilt didn't even have a guard, unlike the regular swords he saw in the movies. She swung it around as if it were a lightweight sabre.

Selina looked like she was randomly firing in all directions, but for every shot, a demon or three fell. Her bullets ripped through the demons and killed several in a single shot. Farther down the trail, Solomon continued to hack and pound at the winged creatures.

Solenn glared at the shocked Human. "If you would just wake up, you fool," she seethed as she sliced through the demons that came to attack her and Gabriel. "You're supposed to be one of us."

"What do you mean?" Gabriel asked, bewildered.

Solenn pulled him roughly to her other side and slashed at another demon in one fluid motion. "You've been sleeping long enough." She wasn't even panting, as if striking a conversation during battle was an everyday occurrence. "Don't you remember who you are?"

"If I did, I wouldn't be asking you what you meant, now, would I?"

"Don't be cheeky." Another swipe of her sword brought five demons down. She growled and slashed at the demons that tried to swarm over them. When the demons turned to ashes, Solenn turned to him and grabbed the pendant hanging from his neck. "I don't know if this will work, but it's well worth a try," she said as she brought up her other hand.

From the corner of his eyes, Gabriel saw a mark glowing in the middle of Solenn's arm. Funny, he hadn't noticed it there before.

The flaming swords on their pendant. Even on her arm, it seemed alive. Burning. Moving. Spinning.

Solenn brought her palm to Gabriel's forehead and closed her eyes.

"Wake up, Gabriel Alexeis Die'Erde."

Gabriel's mind was suddenly assaulted with an avalanche of images and memories.

Running barefoot on rich, damp earth. Chasing eagles and running with wolves. Planting herbs on a small patch of tilled land. Hugging a crying young girl. Laughing heartily as a firm hand ruffled his hair.

And then fire.

Big, angry flames engulfing a small cottage. anguished and angry screams piercing the night. arms grabbing him and carrying him away.

A flash of blinding white light.

Too overwhelmed by the onslaught of forgotten memories, Gabriel's eyes rolled back in his head before he collapsed on the ground.

CHAMPIONS (The Lost Chronicles of Eden, #1) [Published]Where stories live. Discover now