#20: Questions, killings, and a little bit of sweetness

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"Why did you do this to her?"

I and Mingyu were still alone inside the nurse's office when I finally decided to speak with him about a very specific topic. From giving me a very confused look, his expression changed into a guiltier one just in the span of a few seconds. He let out a deep sigh after realizing it and looked away, avoiding my confronting serious gaze.

"I guess she told you all about it, am I right?" He said as he sat stiffly in his seat.

"Not really all of it, but I do know about you ignoring her and not letting her speak-"

"I have my reasons." He coldly cut me off.

Silence filled the room up again when he decided to get up and walk towards the window nearby. With his back still facing me, I sat up on my bed and looked at him. He eventually turned to look back at me and approached me again. He asked for my permission if he could sit beside me and I quickly agreed, making him some space to sit on the small clinic bed.

"Listen, I actually liked her a bit when we were kids." He confessed out of nowhere.

"Then what happened to your feelings? Your friendship? How did it end up like this?" I asked out of pure curiosity.

"I actually really don't remember. But I do know she was more humble and understanding back then. I slowly lost all my feelings when my dad sent me abroad to study and forced me to leave everything in Korea." He explained and continued speaking. "And after some talking with dad a few years later, I got to convince him to pay for my education and make me study somewhere in Korea."

"But why this school? Why didn't you choose the fancier and expensive ones? I bet he can afford that just by the looks of your mansion." I pointed out.

"I didn't, it was his condition. His condition was he was the one who's going to choose what school I'll be going to. And surprise, he chose the one where Ella was in." He replied.

I gave him a mild surprise look and nodded in realization. He continued to sit comfortably beside me while I imitated. He let out a deep sigh once again and leaned his head against the wall, looking up to the ceiling with a model-like side view in my perspective.

"Meanwhile the reason why I kept avoiding her is that I already knew what she's trying to do as soon as I arrived. She knows all about my old feelings and I know she's trying to get it back by using the dirtiest way possible."

He looked and smiled at me. "And that concludes that may be all what you saw is all fake. I bet she was able to pull everything off by her acting lessons. Nothing really surprising if you ask me."

"Wow... W-Well that's really big to admit Mingyu. Thanks a lot for showing that you really trust me... I guess." I smiled back and playfully offered a big hug.

He chuckled a bit about the sudden action but he accepted the hug at the end. I hugged him tightly and patted his back after we both let go. We both soon heard the door open and the sound of the nurse walking in. Thankfully, Mingyu was quick to return to his seat and pretend nothing just happened.

Same as me.

"Okay Miss Kang, we already called your parents and I'm afraid they're still on their trip. But they told us to tell you that they'll be coming home as quick as they can." Said the school's nurse. "We'll be also dismissing you early for today and your parents also advised us not to let you go alone. It will be safe if you at least have one friend to walk you or stay with you if they can until they come home."

My eyes suddenly widened until she finally asked the trickiest question for this situation. "So, do you already have a person in mind?"

"W-Well I..." I stuttered and spared a glance with Mingyu. "I think I still need to think about it. But I do have a particular friend in mind."

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