#03: To the Present

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Bzzt Bzzt! Bzzt Bzzt!

"Ugh, it's mom again." I groaned.

"Mom's calling you again huh?" Inha suddenly noticed.

"Yeah, she's been calling me every 5 hours after that accident happened." I complained.

It's already the third day I've been attending school and it's been alright. I always get these calls from my mom and I don't have any choice but to answer them. Because if not, she'll freak out big time. I told Inha that she can go first while I answer the call.

"Hey mom, hello?" I answered.

"Goodness, it took a long time for you to answer! I started to get worried..." She said over the phone.

"Mom, I think you're overreacting. You know that my teachers always get annoyed when they hear my phone buzzing, right?" I spoke, pointing my point out across the phone.

"I know but- Fine, I won't call you during your school hours. But I'm going to call you after your dismissal, okay?" She said, hearing her sigh over the phone.

"Yes mom, don't worry. My leg is fine now and I know what to do." I replied.

I finally got to reassure her as we said our goodbyes and ended the call. I ran up the stairs and to my class until I saw a big figure, I saw a boy. His back was turned in the other way but I really don't seem to care.

"Oh there you are, did you see the boy standing near the teacher's door? I heard it's a new student, do you think he's handsome?" She wiggled her eyebrows teasingly.

"What? I don't know..?" I replied.

"Sigh, you're really no fun. But whatever, did you already have the courage to tell your mom to stop calling you?" Inha asked as she rested her chin above her palm.

"Yeah, I guess for a little bit." I replied looking in another direction avoiding eye contact.

"What do you mean by a little bit-" She was caught off guard.

"Good morning everyone, quiet down please." The teacher said as the whole class did.

"Okay, thank you for that. Today we have a new student that I'd like to introduce. Can you please come in?" She looked over at the door signaling somebody to come in.

Oh boy, he's tall.

"Hello everyone, my name is Kim Mingyu. But you can call me Mingyu instead, I hope we can all be friends." He introduced himself politely by taking a bow.

"Wow, he's so tall!" One girl commented.

"I know right! He's really handsome too!" One girl replied to the other.

Every girl stared at him in awe and some of them started to try and get his attention, not until the teacher told him to pick a seat. That's where the REAL war starts.

"Oppa! Sit with me, pleaseee!~" Basically, every girl inside the class repeated.

Girls started to yell making my ears bleed in the process. I was thankful that Inha wasn't copying the other girls because honestly, she was also the type to do that.

"Hi, can I sit with you two?" The same boy- I mean Mingyu, came and asked.

"Wait really—"

"Sure!" Inha caught me off.

"Oh, thanks! What're your names?" He asked, still using his polite tone.

"My name's Inha and this is my friend Hayoon." Inha responded while I gave him a small wave.

"Are you new in Seoul?"

"Um... n-not really though. My dad just wants me to transfer to another school." Mingyu answered.

We started to chat and get to know each other but we stopped when the teacher told us to be quiet. Let's just say that we just saved the conversation later, later for lunch.



"I heard we're going to the same school, you alright?" My younger brother sat beside me on the couch.

"Yeah, I think it's alright. I think you'll have a good time on your first day."

"Really? But, I'm really worried about you. Do you think that those *ssholes are going to bully you again?" He questioned me, earning a chuckle from me in response.

"Tsk, I've been keeping a low profile at that school for years and I'm still getting bullied by those crappy *ssholes in school." I spoke very calmly.

"I still can't believe that you let them do this to you. It's like the opposite of what you do..." He murmured, making me look over at him and sigh.

"Don't worry, that time we'll come sooner," I responded.

"Very soon."

𝐄𝐗𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 | Y.JH. [✓]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora