#26: When the angel becomes soft

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I and Mingyu were sitting outside the headmaster's office while we waited for Jeonghan-sunbae and Kai inside to finish. I was obviously nervous and I clearly didn't know what to say or how to explain my side and perspective. Thankfully, Mingyu was there beside me all along to comfort me and tried his best to cheer me up whenever he thought he needed to.

But besides all that, I can't help looking back to just what happened and see this particularly very 'new' side of Jeonghan-sunbae. I was really surprised at what he did and especially how he turned to me and smiled after he was done punching out of Kai's face. The teacher was also very surprised to see a student from 10th grade on the senior's floor. I swiftly explained my whole situation to her and she quickly understood.

"What do you think about the fight earlier? Do you think Jeonghan-sunbae will still get a pass?" I turned to Mingyu and randomly asked.

"I... I-I really don't know..." He replied. "What he did earlier is a really big change of his personality. Remember when you- I mean when we first met him? He was the large opposite of what the Jeonghan we see today..."

"...And I guess you changed him Hayoon."

I looked at him with a baffled look but simply looked away soon after. I didn't know what he was trying to say about 'me changing him' but he was right at the first part he said, I know I already thought of this last night but what he said was very near the truth. I really don't want any more troubles after what happened a day ago with Ella—

But I just don't know why it keeps coming and coming over and over again.

"Mr. Kim and Ms. Kang, you're up." Our headmaster opened the door and spoke up. "I'll be discussing with you about some things."

As soon after he opened the door, two familiar faces later got out. While the other rolled his eyes towards us, the other one glanced at us only once but soon looked back on the ground. I and Mingyu carried on to walk inside and sat at the two unoccupied seats that are available. I continued to play with my fingers as the headmaster spoke.

"So, I just want to ask you two why you were in the scene of the action. And also, are you the student who was kept being reported by other teachers that were bullied by a student named Cha Ella?"

I widened my eyes for a bit but I quickly answered. "Y-Yes sir, I'm the student you were talking about. I really feel fine now."

He smiled and replied. "Well, I'm glad that you're okay. I and the school are trying to get a hold of Ella but even her parents don't seem to know where she is. She has been missing for many hours already and I already heard other students saying she ran away but we aren't sure. Also the same goes with the two other students that helped her, they're also missing. I just want to update you on that."

I forced a big believable grin and thanked him for his update. I turned to see Mingyu's reaction for a quick second while he kept casually wiping his sweat off from his forehead and noticed his fingers were weirdly shaking and trembling.

But I just simply brushed it off.



We were finally back to class and the small visit with the headmaster went more smoothly than I originally thought. He was really nice to us and encouraged me to tell him any of my troubles and any requests so that he can make up for the past accident. I politely declined his offer and told him I was fine and I was close to recovering. He just asked some simple questions about why we were there and some things we know that possibly caused the whole fight.

But also when we were talking, I don't know if 'small' is the right word to describe it but a small misunderstanding even happened. You see, I told him I was going to give Jeonghan-sunbae the lunch I made and told him because he was actually the one who saved me.


"Wait, so you're telling me that he was the one who defended you? Why can it be that I don't remember any of the teachers reporting to me that he was there?" He asked out of pure confusion.

"Yes sir, he was actually there when I was found in the shed by my friends. I guess the reason why someone didn't seem to mention him is that it's possible that they didn't notice him. But I was sure he was there, sir." I answered and kept a straight face.

"What do you mean? I-I didn't saw him there-"

"Wait! I actually remembered one of the teachers mentioning his name during our meeting. I don't recall it very well but a teacher told me that he showed up during her period with a very huge cut on his arm. Do you know anything about this?" He asked, accidentally cutting off Mingyu from speaking.

"N-No, sir..." I responded in the form of a mumble.

"I-I'm afraid not..."


But anyways, we suddenly heard the bell rang while most of my classmates started to pack their things up. Inha was also very concerned about what happened to the both of us so her boyfriend was sure to explain everything and calmed her down by offering her to get some ice cream.

Inha asked me if it's okay and I just nodded and gave her a big thumbs up. I carried on walking alone outside the entire school building and was shocked to see a familiar backside with that iconic blonde hair simply walking his way. I already knew who it was as I also noticed many people avoiding him and keeping a minimum of 2 radii of distance. It took a lot of courage to even approach him— But I still did it out of what he did for me earlier.

"Jeonghan-sunbae? Are you feeling alright?" I hesitatingly tapped his shoulder to get his attention, but it did the same with the other students around us.

"Hayoon? Why are you here? I m-mean are you supposed to be walking to your home right now?" He asked and shifted his whole body to me, also returning him a surprised look when he mentioned me walking home.

"W-Well... I-I..." I stammered as he patiently waited for me to continue. "I just noticed your lip is still kinda busted and- doyoumindifIinviteyouinmyhouseandhelpyouout?"

I quickly felt blood rush to my cheeks as I said that with only one breath. After he was able to catch up and figure out what I said, he cracked a big angelic-looking smile and started to giggle. He accepted my invitation right away and asked me how we'll go to my house.

"Well, do you mind if mom brings us there? I usually go home by myself but well... you know... the accident happened?" I nervously smiled and giggled back. "So, is it still okay for you?"

We both stopped walking in front of the gate and were surprised when his smile got bigger when I told him my mom was going to pick us up. His reaction right now is actually another big opposite than I imagined, but I was really happy when he replied that he was really fine with it.

"Actually, I'll be very honored." He said before he suddenly bent his waist, intentionally making his face a little closer to mine to make sure that I'll see his smile.

"I'll be very honored to meet your parents Hayoon-ah."

𝐄𝐗𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 | Y.JH. [✓]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora