#19: The final straw

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The chapter contains bullying, abuse, and some major curse words (but censored) that may offend, trigger, or may not be suited to some readers. If you're currently going through something like this, my only advice is to seek help from the people you trust and you're comfortable with. Stay safe and enjoy!



"W-What the..." I groaned.

"W-Where the hell am I?"

I was back to consciousness and quickly soon felt a mild pain in my head. I was going to touch my head when I realized my wrists were tightly tied behind my back.

As any person in this situation will do, I tried to break free from the ropes but I guess my strength wasn't enough. So far I didn't recognize where I was but I do think I was somewhere hidden in school...

"Wait, shovels?" I whispered as I continued to look around.

"Trowels? Watering cans?" My eyes widened. "AXES?!"

"Why am I so stupid? I'm in the gardening shed-"

"You're awake!" A female cheeky voice cut me off. "I see that you already figured it out, Kang Hayoon."

I looked for the female owner's voice and saw the two same girls again. But this time, with bigger evil, grins plastered on their faces. They continued to laugh towards my weak appearance until they separated from each other. Seemed to make way for somebody to enter.

"C-Cha... CHA ELLA?" My eyes widened in fear. "Am I hallucinating or is that really you?!"

"Haha... Surprised much? But yeah, it's me." She chuckled. "Thanks to these two smart girls I got in. You should be like them, you know?-"

"What? One of your mind slaves? What for? A piece from your non-meaningful fame? What seems to make me want to follow you?" I spat back.

I was already ready to show them the inner beast I have inside me when the three of them took a very quick glance at each other and looked back at me.

Ella went closer to my figure and bent down to my level. The both of us stared at each other for a while until she suddenly pushed my head with her finger followed by a terrifying smile. Like I was like her dog or some sort of her prisoner.

She let out a bratty wicked smirk and stood back up, complete with her hands placed on her hips.

"You two, you already know what to do." She said as she walked away at the far back.

"H-Hey! You two! G-Get away from me!" I cried and tried to back away.


Before I could yell another thing, they proceeded to tape my mouth shut and only my muffled screams for help could be heard across the small shed.

And suddenly, the worst finally happened.

They kicked me right on the stomach causing my body to fall helplessly. They continued to do the same thing all over again but in different parts of my body. They kicked my hips, legs, thighs- you get the picture.

"S-Stop please.." I muffled unclearly.

'Someone please save me from this hell'

I began to cry silently while I stared at the same view of random garden tools on the floor. I let them do whatever they want as I slowly accepted where this is going to end. I already knew from there that I was going to get hundreds of bruises all over my body, including adding more trauma for me to get through.

𝐄𝐗𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 | Y.JH. [✓]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt