Chaos Trio (nagikichigami)

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That ship name is superior. (Nagito x Kokichi x Byakuya) this was requested, but I can't remember by who :( but here you go!

Btw, how do you pronounce Komaeda?
Or Ko-my-ay-da
I like Ko-my-da personally....


-Nagito and Byakuya are like, a year older than Kokichi

-The three of them didn't really get along for a while

-Kokichi and Nagito became friends early on, however

-The two were always causing mayhem and getting in trouble


-Had a hopeless crush on both Kokichi and Byakuya

-He had no idea why he liked Byakuya

-Kokichi found out about the crush on Byakuya when he caught Nagito staring

-So, Kokichi and Nagito began to hang around him, and bug him

-Byakuya was annoyed for a while

-A very long while

-Kokichi was having way too much fun bugging Byakuya

-And eventually gained a crush on him as well

-He felt bad, considering Nagito liked him, but....

-He didn't say anything

-Kokichi made a move first

-At some weird party, Byakuya was being an outcast in a separate room (mood), and Kokichi followed him

-..... And eventually made a move on him

-Specifically, he started making out with him

-It didn't go very far, but in, they both kinda enjoyed it

-Thus a mini thing between those two started

-Nagito and Byakuya got assigned to a partner project once

-And once when they were studying, Nagito let whatever his feelings were for Byakuya increase, and he made a similar move on him

-Except he got more nervous about it, and started panicking

-Until Byakuya just told him to shut up and continue

-No one was told.


-Kokichi, who now somewhat liked Nagito, decided to be a little tease, and initiate something between them as well

-Basically the all started a thing with each other, separately, until the guilt was eating at Nagito and he told both of them the truth

-And they kinda just.. Became a thing.

-Now onto the real head canons,,,,

-ironically enough, Byakuya bought them all a smallish but big enough house to all live in

-Kokichi is short, and sleeps in the middle of Nagito and Kiya

-Nagito sometimes gets a little anxious, or feeling worthless and he kinda distances himself from his boyfriends bc he doesn't feel like he deserves them

-(They love him tho)

-Byakuya isn't the best at expressing his emotions/feelings, and isn't the best at comfort

-but fuck man he's trying so hard for his bf's

-Kokichi sometimes gets extremely insecure as well, but will bottle it all up until he literally can't take it anymore and he'll just start... Sobbing.

-Nagito is the one that comforts Kokichi the most, since Nagito can relate to his problems, and knows how to make it feel a bit better

-Byakuya studies how Nagito comforts Kokichi, and then he uses his tactics on Nagito himself

-Byakuya does most of the shopping,,,,

-And the cooking,,,,,,,


-But cmon can you trust kichi or Nagi with a stove????

-Kokichi can bake tho.

-Kokichi is the most clingy if jealous

-Byakuya is the most passive aggressive if jealous

-Nagito is more,, idk, insecure when jealous (my poor baby :(  )

-Nagito says 'I love you' first the most

-Nagito is bi

-Kokichi is pan

-Byakuya doesn't like to label his sexuality, but he's probably bi or gay

-Nagito buys too many bagels,

-Kokichi buys too much panta

-All n all, they do well in taking care of each other

-Kokichi is always snuggly

-They don't get jealous of each other, like, at all

-If Kichi is spending a lot of time with Kuya? Okay, great!

-Kuya is spending lots of time with Nagi? Wonderful!

-Kichi and Nagi ate chillin a lot? Fantastic!

-they love each other equally, and fully, and they trust that they'll be included in a separate activity later on.

-Kokichi likes to do Nagitos hair

-Kokichi steals Byakuya's glasses

-Kokichi wears both their jackets/coats

-Nagito makes the most gifts

-Byakuya buys the most gifts (lol)

-Kokichi is clingy but they don't care bc he's fantastic


-Precious, poly bois



Hey stranger.

It's been a while.

Just a little favor, cod you guys read my message board, and answer my question? You don't have to, but it'd mean a lot if you did.

Aside from that, I'm back on mystic messenger. I have a problem, I'm well aware,,, I'm on Jumins route though :)

Jumin is so great eeee

Alright alright I'm done. When do I get a dangan dating sim?--

I still have a shot ton of requests, and ships to do. And while I can use my excuse of too much school, I,,,, really can't lmao. Bc I procrastinate everything. Including school. Bc I suck.

Okay I'm finished ranting. It's 2am. Have a good night/day :))

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