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Nagito x Kokichi
Nagito x Kokichi
Nagito x Kokichi




-Nagito and Kokichi didn't really talk for a bit ig

-Except when they ran into each other, or Kokichi pranked him

-Kokichi started pranking him because he took a slight interest in him

-They started talking

-Kokichi was a hit caught off guard by how much self-hate nagito had in himself


-his hair was so so pretty

-his face was beautiful

-he always looked so carefree and gentle when he was smiling or laughin-

-oh shit

-"Fucking hell I caught feelings for that marshmallow haired fool?"

-Kokichi started hanging around Nagito more

-Nagito always wonders "why would such a strong ultimate hang around trash like me?"

-Kokichi actually started yelling at him for being so harsh on himself, so Nagito stopped saying stuff like that around him

-strangely enough, it kinda helped him out

-Nagito didn't feel as bad


-Kokichi would purposely run into Nagito, follow him around, and cling to him

-Nagito didn't mind, per say, he was just confused

-Kokichi once accidently got them locked in a closet

-... They got locked in there all night..

-Kokichi kinda felt bad, because apparently Nagito hadn't eaten or anything

-Kokichi started apologizing n stuff, and trying to make sure Nagito wouldn't hate him

-Nagito asked what had Kokichi so riled up

-.... To which Kokichi just confessed how he was feeling

-Nagito was mega shook

-"Wait... You have romantic feelings towards me of all people?"


-Nagito was very happy

-He didn't really believe it at first, but decided to enjoy it

-'if I get hurt, whatever. I deserve it anyways.'

-The two of them sat in the closet and talked

-... And maybe made out for a little bit, who knows

-what happens in the closet, stays in the closet

-Nagito kinds thought it was just a one time thing

-Nope, Kokichi kissed him every opportunity he got

-Nagito is kinda self conscious a lot, and kinda hates his body and such

-It's kinda the same with Kokichi

-They help each other through it, despite Kokichi rarely talking about himself bc of his whole 'letting people in' thing

-Nagito thought Kokichi was gonna leave him

-And when he finally realized he wasn't

-Nagito finally started letting himself relax in their relationship

-Kokichi is definitely more protective

-If anyone dares to say anything to lower Nagito's self esteem, he won't hold back

-Nagito is a bit more of the jealous type, but he'll play all passive aggressive, and just really emphasize the fact they're dating

-Kokichi too, honestly

-Except Kokichi will just grab his face and passionately make out with him

-Nagito still gets hella flustered over it

-okay okay

-hear me out,,,

-living room camping,

-Kokichi makes s'mores off of a birthday candle, and Nagito built a fort

-And they had hella pillow fights

-and they just rolled around, laughing and joke and just having so much fun while being with each other

-Kokichi will steal Nagito's jacket

-Kokichi gave Nagito a DICE uniform and invited him to join

-He did

-he was a hit nervous, but everyone adored him

-Nagito felt super loved

-Kokichi will actually get pretty serious while talking to Nagito about how great he is

-So that the information will actually go through his thick hair into his brain

-Kokichi really helped him.

-All and all,,,


-Kokichi loves to floof Nagito's hair

-Makes him happy :)

-that's all

-don't judge me, Oumaeda is cute.

-good day,



How dare Oumaeda be cute. It's too pure and I love it, wwwaaah-

Okay that's all, I'm being forced to sleep by Kaylar890

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