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Yes this is Byakuya x Kokichi

Wait wait don't leave- Listen I can explain-

Just read these :')


-Kokichi met Byakuya at the library

-Kokichi was being chaotic

-And then he approached Makoto and Byakuya, who were hanging out

-(more like Makoto was tryna talk to Byakuya but he was reading lmao)

-Kokichi was more fascinated by Byakuya

-Because he wanted to see if he could get him to smile, or laugh, or something

-"this dude is like Hotch or something,,"

-and then Kokichi found out he went to the same college

-being honest...

-Byakuya was kinda interested in this "secret organization" kokichi wouldn't shut up about

-How come he hadn't heard of it?

-So Kokichi started talking to him at school

-Whenever Byakuya was in the library, Kokichi would follow him there and ramble on and on about stuff

-And he did the same thing from the FT events

-... Yknow, the whole game thing?

-Except Byakuya was pretty intrigued

-So he played his game

-and holy shit kokichi was kinda shocked

-it made him pretty happy too

-no one ever really played Kokichi's games

-Kokichi kinda sorta maybe started liking him


-He always kinda joked about it

-"awww, this is why I love you!~~ neeheehee~"

-"wouldn't we be sooooo good together?"

-"yeah yeah, I hang out with you because I loooooove you~~"

-he always finished it off with "it's a lie", clearly

-He never really got the courage to say anything without it,

-they weren't necessary friends, but he didn't wanna ruin what they had

-.. Once Sayaka and Junko had like a sleep over thing

-Since Makoto was close(ish) with Kokichi he invited him too

-And Makoto forced Byakuya to go

-Long story short, they played spin the bottle

-Kokichi landed on Byakuya, and well, ya know the rules 😏

-And Junko decided it'd be more interesting if they made out rather than just kiss

-And Junko threatened them ._.

-so Byakuya just kissed him to get it over with

-and oh shit

-He didnt realize how much he liked Kokichi before that moment

-Actually, the bottle landed on someone else at some point and he uh,,, kinda got jealous-

-he wanted to say something but didn't know how, lmao, fool

-He didn't wanna admit it but it felt really nice kissing Kokichi

-although the both didn't really know what they were doing

-Kokichi was a flustered mess

-He tried to play it off by running off to the bathroom or something

-Byakuya followed him-

-they both ended up outside


-where they made out some more

-And so Kokichi kinda confessed

-Byakuya took him home with him (yes they ditched the sleepover

-And they just cuddle watching some show


-Kokichi really likes to sit in Byakuya's lap

-His legs are long and Kokichi just likes it because he fit in his lap well

-...I've been waiting so long to write that one

-Byakuya will actually read to Kokichi

-They'll both talk about they're kinda tragic backstories together

-Kokichi requires cuddles 78% of the time

-The other 22% is towards him pranking his tall ass boyfriend

-on the subject

-you thought Makoto was short compared to him

-Bitch, Kokichi is 5'1

-He's like the length of his entire legs

-Byakuya kinda thinks it's cute

-Byakuya joined his organization too

-He actually got used to it really quick

-Too quick

-He was Kokichi's second in command

-Kokichi likes to ride on his shoulders because he feels like he owns the world that way

-oh! Kokichi did get him to smile

-when he confessed and stuff

-"oh my god, you can smile!!"

-Byakuya taught him some more things about ruling/leading and stuff

-all in all they're kinda chaotic, but mostly pretty pure

-whenever they all hang out, Makoto is a third wheel, hehe

-Kokichi will never stop sitting in Byakuya's lap, literally never



Will I stop doing mega rare pairs?

Hell no. Fight me I ship what I want-


Please don't burn me alive :( I'm sorry

Anyways, what's their ship name?

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