Kazuouma #2

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Welcome folks, you the adAM'S ADMINISTRATION-

*ahem* anyways, my mouth tastes like bitter grape medicine. It's disgusting. I'm now the CEO of this ship because no has content for it.

Seriously my mouth tastes disgusting somebody fucking help ew.

Slightly nsfw a bit later, I'm sorry I like my kinky shit leave me alone


-Kokichi just likes to chill with Kazuichi if he's working on cars n shit

-Kaz will ramble on and on about things and Kokichi will listen

-Kokichi thinks he's a simp.

-Considering Kazuichi rambles non stop about his crushes and stuff

-Kazuichi once gave him a necklace and Kokichi never takes it off like ever

-Kokichi never calls him by his name, he uses nicknames

-like, kazzy, kaz, kazzy-chan

-If he says 'Kazuichi' then Kazuichi knows some things wrong

-Kokichi steals Kazuichi's hat constantly because it warm

-... Kokichi started liking him with they hung out at a park

-They messed around the whole day (just to take a break from stuff) and after that they sat under a tree near a river

-kokichi laid in Kazuichi's lap, while they said things they thought were cool about each other

-and they both realized they liked each other

-but they didn't realize the feelings were mutual -_-

-kokichi slowly but surely started flirting with Kaz

-Kaz still attempts to go after girls

-But he really only likes Kokichi

-Kazuichi let's kokichi help with cars sometimes, just because Kokichi is interested

-Kokichi is... Very insecure sometimes (wow good job putting that in like every kokichi hc chapter)

-sometimes kokichi gets home and just.. Can't handle shit, so he collapses and just cries, trying not to let kazuichi notice

-yes they were roommates

-If kazuichi notices he'll sit with him and wait until he's ready to talk about it

-They both opened up about their childhood

-Kokichi wanted to beat up anyone who had hurt Kaz in the past

-Kazuichi absolutely wanted to murder Kokichi's parents

-They two of them are pretty protective of each other

-Seriously they love each other and they don't realize it

-even though it's sO OBVIOUS

-Kazuichi kinda domb tho

-Kokichi you fool notice faster

-they're both pan

-kokichi started flirting more

-and eventually...

-Kazuichi confronted him about it, to which Kokichi finally confessed

-kazuichi confessed too

-and so they we're boyfriends

-(oh my god they were boyfriends,,,,)

-They're switches 👀

-I feel like Kaz is a bottom though, but I also hc kokichi as a mega power bottom....

-kokichi likes to handcuffs kazuichi down and ride him and stuff

-Kazuichi likes to touch kokichi while... Yeah-- so it turns him on but frustrates him at the same time

-Kokichi with purposely frustrate Kaz to all hell so kaz'll top him


-They're both the jealous type

-Kazuichi likes to carry kokichi

-Kazuichi and kokichi fight over what's better; grape panta or coke. (Personally I like grape fanta better but)

-kokichi will just lay in his lap like a kitten sometimes

-if he's upset, he'll lay in his lap silently.

-he won't answer any questions from Kaz, he'll just... Lay there.

-Kazuichi fucking loves petting his hair

-he fucking loves his hair

-oh, Kokichi has heterochromia

-His eyes are purple and yellow

-He wore contacts around kazuichi (and everyone else)

-Once kazuichi saw it, he literally begged kokichi to stop wearing contacts

-Kokichi doesn't wear them when it's just the two of them, but will wear them outside

-eventually kazuichi boosted his confidence enough to the point where kokichi didn't need them anymore

-kazuichi loves his eyes

-Kazuichi just lives him in general


-kokichi likes to style Kazuichi's hair alot

-mess with it and braid it and stuff

-they're.... Really wholesome...

-I fell in love with this ship, im-

-I will literally die for these two fucking fight me



Again, I'll die for this ship. I love them so much

Somebody give me more ideas for them bc goddamn

I need more content for them.... Why is there zero ;-;

I own the kazuouma tag on Instagram now.

Okay I'm done I'm gonna write more later though ^^

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