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Bro it's literally 5:26am.....


-Kokichi and Hajime ran into each other quite frequently, actually

-Kokichi would always bother Hajime,


-Hajime was shooketh

-Kokichi was a good friend of Nagito's too, so he'd hang out with the both of them sometimes

-Kokichi always teased him and stuff

-Hajime always brushed him off, told him to go away n stuff

-Hajime wouldn't admit it,,,

-But he did actually care

-Once, Hajime found Kokichi crying, and upset over who knows what

-Hajime rushed to him to make sure he was okay

-He sat there with Kokichi for a good half over, before Kokichi went back to his usual self

-He told Hajime that he was crying because he spilled his panta


-That was the one lie Hajime saw through

-After that, Kokichi started to let his guard down a teeny tiny bit around Hajime

-He was still chaotic, and pretty much his normal self

-Hajime still got hella annoyed with him

-One day,,,

-Kokichi was bothering him, per usual

-And Kokichi knocked him to the ground

-Hajime was really paying attention, as he was kinda just yelling (scolding?) At Kokichi

-So the second Kokichi kissed him, his entire fuckin world just froze

-"mkkk! Sorry for knocking ya over, it won't happen again, Hinata chan! Byyyeee~~"

-Hajime sat there

-very confused

-The entire rest of the day, Kokichi randomly approached him when he was alone, and made out with him for a while

-... I mean, Hajime wasn't really complaining

-The next day, Kokichi went over to his house

-And played it off

-Until Hajime asked about it

-Kokichi ended up confessing after trying to change the subject like 5 times

-Kokichi was just frightened Hajime wouldn't like him back

-They cuddle the whole rest of the day, Kokichi falling asleep in his arms bc he was tired (literally same)

-Kokichi likes Hajime's spikey hair

-He's a little jealous of the ahoge,,,

-The two of them fight over what's better; Panta, or orange juice

-Kokichi is teeny, and Hajime loves how short and precious he is

-Hajime tries cooking

-He kinda sucks

-So Kokichi learned how to cook so Hajime wouldn't end up poisoning them

-Hajime thought it was cute,,,

-These two,,,

-Are very horny-


-Hajime tops, there is no negotiation

-Kokichi just loves cuddling him

-And pulling him down by his tie to kiss him

-Piggy back rides for days!!

-Kokichi always steals Hajime's shirts


-Kinda wholesome

-Kinda gay

-"it's a li-"


-"hajime,,, why-"

-Kokichi touched the ahoge once

-It lowkey cut his hand

-He cried over it, bc fuck that ahoge be sharp

-"shit, guess I should cut if off..."

-the ahoge... Broke the scissors.

-They'll go to bed at like 10pm, and stay up for hours in bed watching YouTube and making out

-Kokichi has 500 fuckin pillows

-Hajime's just wants to know wwwhhhyyy

-The only drinks in their house are panta and orange juice

-water? Never heard of her

-No they drink water too, it's aight

-gays. Just gays.


It's 5:44 now,,,

I should go to sleeeep....


Requests are still open, (even tho I have like 500 to do still)

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